Monday, August 30, 2021

Suzanne Somers

 August 30, 2021 ana 

Monday Luna 

Suzanne Somers habet  Annette Young. 

From Eastside Highschool  in Paterson,New Jersey.

she transfered to another school. 

Suzanne Somers 

Doris Hall 


Tim Reid habet Brittney Spears

 August 30, 2021 ana 

Brittney Spears 

Doris Hall 


Saturday, August 14, 2021

Annette Edith Hall,Holmes,Carucci,Benzi Rated R

 August 14, 2021 ana 

Pull up Casino account.

Annette Edith Carucci,Holmes,Hall,Benzi 

Vladamir Kolesnicov matres 

Stole my life away from me.

Because she was jealous.

Brought up fake charges against me.

Three times.

Arrested three times for not knowing she was a undercover cop 

Her husband put fecal matter around my trash can .some type of solution in the dirt to make it hard.

He lied and said he owned the house.

Carla Hall had her husband call me a n---.

Several times on the side of the house.

Calling me a nappy haired.

She is extremely jealous of me.

Carla Hall has my address through my son.

She lied and said she was paying rent here. 

She uses my phone numbers and addresses from her businesses. 

She used up the battery on my phone early this morning.

She is extremely jealous.

She dte my child because I was handicapped 

Saying I couldn't raise me child .

I am labeled schizophrenia because of her.

Carla Hall is a police officer.

She thinks it is funny I am labeled mentally disturbed . 

I cannot believe what she is capable of. 

Her husband is a serial killer.

Child abuser.

Thief a

Carla Hall steals all of my apartments from me because she is jealous. 

Carla Hall is a big huge casino player.

She has called contractus with over a thousand men.

Carla Hall has contract with over a thousand females.

Children and adults. These are birth certificates. That are fake. 

This one is extremely evil.
I cannot believe how many fist fights I get into because of this one.
She is a police Officer that is allowed to bring up fake charges.
She completely distroyed my life.
Lying about me 
You know you never bothered to get to know me. 
You are a lyer.
People cannot believe a word that comes out of your mouth.
Whatever paper work you have on me .
I deserve to have it.
Since you stole my child away from me 
Thinking you can do a better job.
He doesn't have anything to do with me because if you 
You will not be listening to any more of my private conversations or reading any more of my mail.
Saying I am mentally disturbed.
I have to be monitored. 
You mean evil female. 
You had to look like Edith Hall.
I am not sure if she is the mother or Aunt.
You are completely evil.
With your KGB husband.
You held people hostage in get away with it because you are a police officer. 

She has a child that looks similar to her. 

Who are you calling schizophrenic.

I had to think you were nice.

Well obviously you are not the mother of me.

Stealing people's child.

You are so fake. 

Do you mind staying away from my house with your fake husband.

Starting fist fights calling people names.

I cannot believe how jealous you are.

You and your fake husband stole my child .

Will you leave me alone since you are completely jealous. 

I don't need your money I have my own 

Why did you tell the police officers I went an committed suicide.

There was blood all over the carpet. Or there was blood all over the floor.

You are a pice officers.

Your husband is a KGB agent .

The two of you are from America.  

You think it is funny you can ask your police officer friends .

To start fist fights with me.

You think I belong in jail.

You are that jealous. 

Why you cannot be nice as a police officer.

I don't need nothing from you.

Why you cannot be nice. 

Why do you have to have the apartment Carla Hall. 

Carla Hall is a Qazar member.

A occult member.

Will you stay away from me. 

Black Female Chef,Actress,Singer,Dancer,Producer.

I do not think I know you ? 


Kwane Waleeh,Hall,

Dorothy Hall 

Kwane Waleeh Carucci 

Dorothy Hall 

Change of name since 

1976 ana 


I was killed off the first time in 1976. 

Under the name: 

Kwame Waleah Hall 

I was given this name at the Casinos in Atlantic City Casino or Niagara Falls,New York. casino in 1976. 

Annette Edith Hall 

Was using the name Kwane Waleeh Carucci. 1976 to now 2021 ana.

She erased me in 1976.

She is my mother who didn't raise me. 

I was raised by my foster parents. 

She gave me up for adoption in 1976.


The  second time I was killed off in 2019 ana. 

Edith Hall 

Committed suicide 2019 ana. 

She used the name Doris Carucci.

Kwane Waleeh Carucci.

But she used my addresses. To do Taxes. 

Anonymous Tip said a black female committed suicide in 2019

 At my address where I am staying at now. 

For me her name is Edith Hall. 

But for everyone else her name 

Dorothy Carucci 

Kwane Waleeh Carucci. 

She used all of my addresses and phone numbers for business opportunity. 

She has a birth certificate calling herself.

Kwane Waleeh Carucci 

Dorothy Carucci.

Using all of my addresses saying she was born at those houses. 


Annette Edith Hall,Holmes,Carucci,Benzi.

Killed herself in one of the Casino Hotels in Niagara Falls, New York. 2019 ana. 

Under the name Dorothy Carucci/ 

Kwane Waleeh Carucci.

Doris Hall 


Sunday, August 8, 2021

Lillian Blue Johnson

 August VIII, MMXXI ana 

Casino Players 

Lillian Blue Johnson goes to the casinos and gives blood work . Plus a urine sample. 

She says her name is  Kwane Waleeh Carucci at the Casinos. 

She is Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall sister. 

They both give blood work at the casinos.  

They give blood work and a urine sample. At the casinos every year.

Lillian Blue Johnson Annette 

Is my mother. 

She has the same police report at her house from 2012 or 2011 ana.

Under the name Doris Carucci 

And Kwane Waleeh Carucci.

She steals all of my police reports and puts it under her name.

She stole my identity.

Ever since I was five years old she has been using these names Keane Waleeh Carucci.

She wouldn't raise me. She is a big huge casino player.

Her name is Lillian Johnson for me.

She is just a friend to the family. 

I cannot believe what she is capable of.

All those fist fights and arrest she stoke and lied and said it happebed to her .

She completely destroyed my life an gotvaway with it.

She is a Eastern Star sister. 

She wouldn't bring me to any o the meetings because she knows I am not a casino player like she is.

She can have both names since this is a game for Annette Lillian Blue,Johnson. 

No harm done.

Doris Hall 
