Thursday, December 21, 2023

Edward Philllmore Ford / Atlanta Latoya Jackson Stolen money Stolen Identity

 Possibile est quod nomen guys est .

Eduardus Phillmore Ford.

Atlanta Latoya Jackson


Sub postremo nomine Ford prolem furatus est.

Promeritum Pecto

Reprehendo Rationes


Nativitas Testimonia


Casino Acvounts

Players Cards

Merces furtivae

Deinceps mail

Deinceps Telephone numerus

SCHIzerphrenia propter leverage

Furtiva Oratio

ut parentes

Aut duros nucleos scelestos furari filios siet.

It is a possibility that guys name is .

Edward Phillmore Ford.

Atlanta Latoya Jackson 


He stole alot of children under the last name Ford.

Credit Cards 

Checking Accounts

Savings Accounts 

Birth Certificates 


Casino Acvounts 

Players Cards 

Stolen Merchandise 

Forward mail 

Forward Telephone numbers 

Schizerphrenia used for leverage 

Stolen Addresses

might be parents 

Or hard core criminals stealing children cash.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Alicia Susan Spencer Stole my Identity/ Marie Osmond /Kwame Waleah Hall/Doris Hall

 Alicia Susan Spencer stole my identity.

My telephone numbers,

Email accounts


Credit Cards 




She is the actress Mary Anne  or Marie Osmond.

Her name is also.

Kwame Waleah Hall

Doris Hall

She stole my identity several times with different names. 

She says Kwame Waleah Osmond Hall is her name given to her from birth. 

She has the same birth certificate and transcript as me.

I am having a big huge problem with debt collectors. 

I am going to find another place. 

These people won't come clean .

I don't know them.

Doris Hall

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Mr. Green your son is here looking for ?....

 Mr. Green your son is here looking for Stephanie Blackley.

She doesn't live on the farm. 

Doris Hall


Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Dawn West ,Who Did You Have ?.

 Salve iterum

Salve iteram

Aurora Hesperiae .....

Numquid habes me?.

Mima es ex Gilligans Island.

Hello again 

Salve Iteram 

Dawn West .....

Did you have me ?.

You are a actress from Gilligans Island . 

Dawn West