Saturday, October 31, 2020

Connie Upson Matar

 Octobra XXX I, MMXX ana 

Salve Iteram

Hello again.

This lady.

Aetra Femina nararet mea Matar.

Rachel K. True 

Connie Upson 
Kwame Waleah Holmes

Says she is the mother of .
Kwame Waleah Hall

I do not know her.
I never seen her before.
I know she did my taxes in 1989,1990.

Without my permission.
Ea scriptae mea signatures without my agnoscera.
She signs things like my tax forms .
Without my permission.
She has paper work on me that need my attentive.
She has a relationship with my son.
Zachary Michael Hall.
I lost custody rights .
I was labelled schizophrenia for not knowing who my parents were.
She left me at age three.
I was given a TB shot when I was about one years old.
Then I was given another TB shot when I was about three years old again.
Reason for this .
I was moved from Upstate New York.
Placed in Paterson, New Jersey.
The lady that raised me is my foster  Grand mother.
The guy that raised me is my foster Grandfather.

Because I was given two TB shots before the age of ten. 
I developed a infection in my body.
Disease Chlosteral.
Cause and effect :
Cerebral Paisley
Hammer Toes
Crooked arms 
Crooked legs knock kneeded
Crooked back.
Infection in the brain.

This lady stole custody of my child months .
Through her friend from DYFS.
He thought I knew this lady .
The DFYS guy.
When I did not.

She never gave me a chance as a child.
She wouldn't even try to be a mother to me. 

She pointed me out in a crowd.
On September I, 2020.
She said ....
This is my daughter that she had.
She did not want to make direct contact with me.
Because she is a member of The Subliminal Message Group.
This was her decision .
She has a behavior problem.
She hears voices.
Behavior problem
She denied that I exist for fifty years.
But she claimed my son on the taxes.
She lied and told people she had.
Zachary Michael Hall.
I don't know or underdtand why this lady stole me life from me.
Her husband I don't know if I know him or not.

Doris Hall
Kwame Waleah Hall 

Doris Hall
Kwame Waleah Hall

Monday, October 26, 2020

Dorothy M. Hall/ Dorothy C. Upson Spencer

 October's XXII,MMXX ana

Monday Luna 

Dorothy M. Hall

Dorothy C. Upson 

Dorothy K. Hall 

My name isn't .

Dorothy K.Hall

You keep starling my fosters mother's mail.

Saying you are my mother.

You keep telling people your name is Atlanta J.Hall

Atlanta J.Holmes as well.

You keep sending me cards under the name Doris K.Hall.

You stole my foster mother's cell phone number, home phone number.

You didn't ask to have her mail and phone calls for,warded to you.

When I leave Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall messages. I want to speak and send her material not you.

You sent me a package not to long ago.

You put Doris K.Hall on it.

It had my private information in it.

I want you to come out.

And speak to me directly.

Since you feel you need to know all my private business.

You have been forwarding my mail to you.

Without asking my permission.

I don't think I know you.

If you are my mother you have no business doing this. 

Zachary Michael Hall cannot stand me because of you. 

You have been using my old phone numbers .

Forwarding the nessges. Which I thought was in appropriate.

He doesn't want to have anything to do with me.

I know for a fact.

You have been sending me cards over the years. Si ce I have been living at this address. You sign the name Atlanta J.Hall


You sign the name Atlanta J.Hall or mom,mother on the cards.

Doris Hall

Kwame Waleah Hall
