Thursday, November 17, 2022

Andrea True


Andrea True 

If you ate my mother ?. 
You don't know me. 
Neither does your husband. 

What type of game is this?. 
The name calling
Stealing my identity.
Stealing my addresses
Stealing my phone numbers
Stealing my email accounts. 
And more.
I was arrested several times for not knowing you were the mother. 
I live a simple life.
I !most custody of my child because of you. 
Your name now is Alicia Susan Spencer. 
Your entertainment name is Andrea True. 
I am not sure who you married . 

Doris Hall 

Friday, October 28, 2022

Casino facilis

 I can't come back low on cash .spent the points for now play online 


Doris hall 

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Audrey Annette Hall I am

My name is Audrey Annette Hall.

I got my identity stolen from me as a child. For being a Scientology member as a kid at five years old.

Dorothy Hall, Dorothy Smith,Dorothy Holmes/ Kwame Waleah Hall,Kwame Waleah Holmes,Kwame Waleah Smith Stole my names Kwame Waleah Hall Doris Hall My cat names to play a SARS game from Scientology. The predator thought this was her address. She stole My cell phone numbers and addresses to file taxes. She might of filed taxes in my name. She sto!e my casino card I don't have all my animals thanks to her. They killed off sixteen of them. Thinking Dorothy Smith Would come around . These people that gave me a hard time. She stole $800. From my debit card She stole Atlanta Jeans Hall Jewelry. Police Officer Dorothy Hall,Dorothy Smith,Dorothy Holmes Police Officer Kwame Waleah Smith,Kwame Waleah Holmes, Kwame Waleah Carucci. She changed my name when I was five years old legally. To Kwame Waleah Hall. My real name is ...... My birth name was taken from me by Kwame Waleah Hall. She lives in Hackensack,New Jersey She works in Nevada on the subway system..or regular train services. She travels back and forth to Nevada State. From New Jersey. She is a Celebrity in California or Nevada under the name Kwame Waleah Holmes,Smith,Hall,Carucci. Her real name is Kwame Waleah Holmes. Aetra femina. She is a Scientology member. Doris Hall Confida 

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Mr. Gale A . Holmes

 Mr. Gale A.Holmes 

Had Ms. Gale Holmes anchor from ABC news erased for not raising her child. 

Doris Hall 


Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Intentasuami Red Alert !. Eradare Publicios

 October IX, MMXXII  Ana 

Caesar Ramos is at it again !.

You will be permanently erased !.

Sending your child a message saying you are the mother.

Saying you are the father through....

Subliminal Messages 


You will regret listening to Caesar Ramos. 

You will loose your identity for sure !.

Doris Hall 
