Friday, September 22, 2023

Judith Robinson/ Priscilla Obama /Barack Obama/_Kathy Cory / Sabrina Robinson

 Hello again !. Sabrina Robinson Barack Obama's grandchild.

Salve Iteram !.

Sabrina Robinson is Barack Obama's Grandchild.

Priscilla Obama habet ea.

Priscilla Obama EST matres  ad  Bobby from the Military. 

Delta sorority sister.

Eo Operae at Aarons rent a Center. 

Doris Hall



Judy Robinson is Matres Ad Dr.Feldman.

Hello again !.

Salve Iteram !.

Judy Robinson habet Francis Harper and Hillard  Feldman.

She is a Delta sorority sister.

She is Barack Obama's daughter. Her name is 

Judith  Obama.

Doris Hall



Judy Robinson is Matres Ad Dr.Feldman.

Hello again !.

Salve Iteram !.

Judy Robinson habet Francis Harper and Harold  Feldman.

She is a Delta sorority sister.

She is Barack Obama's daughter. Her name is 

Judith  Obama.

Doris Hall


Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The west Coast Are we Close Are we On The Same Road ?. It is rules and Regulation for them ....

 Hello again. !..

It is common po!icy for People on the west coast.....

Salve iterum. !..

Commune consilium est Populo in oram occidentalem .....

It is common policy for them not to raise one child of theirs .

Doris Hall

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Loss bet Have to pull out

 I. eruere. Pecunia mea humilis budget.

bet ego amittam. Personam pignore damna.

Certum esse duxi. Dicunt varius at nisi. Certum est bet.

I bet online.

low budget.

I loss the bet. The person I bet on loss.

I thought it was a sure thing. They say only at the casino. It is a sure bet. 

I bet online. 

Doris Hall

Friday, July 28, 2023

Vladamir 's mother

 is a [possibility that Caesar, Vladimir mother habet me. She is married Frederick Hall

Possibile est quod Caesar Vladimirus matrem habet me. Federico Hallo nupta est.

Non certe.

Not true.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Connie Upson and Freegift Upson Parents for me

Connie Upson et Free Gift Upson parentes mei sunt. Non novi!

Connie Upson and Free Gift Upson are my parents. I dont know them.

Doris Hall



Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Penelope Cruz habet Charles Joseph Mason Edwina Penelope Mason

 Penelope Cruz habet 

Charles Joseph Mason

Edwina Penelope Mason

Penelope Cruz 

Doris Hall



Monday, June 12, 2023

Debbie Allen habet Gargamela Annette Allen Smith

 Debbie Allen habet Gargamela Annette Allen Smith. 

Doris Hall


Debbie Allen