Friday, February 19, 2021


 Februrius 19, 2021 ana 

Veniras Friday 

You have blocked me off from everything. 

Listening to Zachary Hall. 

He is only 24 years old. 

He has a transcript  to be Fifty or fifty be. 

The year book you have is fake. 

The year information you have on him is fictional. 

He is a big huge liar.

I am the adult .

I had him.

He didn't have me.

You people have no business stealing how m from me.

He is completely embarrassed.

He is not allowed over here.

Playing some Blue Oyster. Game.

That's final.

He cannot see andy guts. Thanks to your people . 

You are going to have to pay for the damages. 

Since you insist that the material or mail say Kwane Waleah Hall .

This was just a simple error. 

If you would have came out when I was a child .1970s,1980s,1990s .

Maybe be things would have been different. 

These people are upset that you are blocking mail, phone calls, packages to me. Etc. Even people who want a meeting with me . 

The name can be fixed. 

Are you in The State Of California ?. 

He was my son until you people took him.

He doesn't tell me anything.

Hale Berry 


Vladamir . 

Halle Berry 

Your daughter doesn't live here.

She doesn't stay with me.

You stole her life looking similar .

Vladamir this is the last time you use me.

Because you cannot stand these people.

I am without privileges because of you. 

You are controlling the heater and electricity with your smart phone.

10 G smart phone. 

Will you knock it off doing things for control. 

Michael Carson doesn't live here.

This is it Vladamir I am pressing against you. 

You turned my heater off with h your 10 G cell phone. It is foriegn. 

You think this is funny.

I want to be paid.

You used me like a shield you didn't ask me. 

They are apart of The Blue Oyster Group.

I don't know her. 

I don't know your son. 

This is something they choice to do. 

Deacatrica Doris Hall 

Deacatrica Kwame Waleah Hall 


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