Monday, March 6, 2023

My Mother Is Half Terrestrial And Half Human ! My Father He is Human Aetra Vir Part I

The Colony 

 Mea matar 1/2 Humana 

Candida Femina 

Atlanta Jean Medium Hall

Atlanta Jean Medium Holmes 

Race Cone Heads

Mea Pater  1/2 humano

Edward Phillmore Medium 

Edward Phillmore Medium Holmes 

Edward Phillmore Medium Hall 

Aetra Vir 

Convenire in Lean On Me Cinemgraphumi 1989 ana.

One cereal box 


One cereal box Father 


 I want a fruitcake no sugar.

I can try honey.

Or a sugar substitute. One teaspoon.


I want a portfolio an album past and present. Of yourselves and things done.

You will put in the cereal box after eaten by you. 

If you cannot have sugar they have substitutes cereal with none. 

Sugar Free cereal..


Fiftua centios Fifty  Nummi  coins. USD Currencio. Currency 

Doris Hall 



Scott Joplin 

Classical Music 

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