Monday, June 17, 2024

Antonio Peter Carucci

 Antonio Peter Carucci 

Anthony Hopkins brother.

I think ...

You are taking things way to far.

I ....

Can not help it if my parents removed me from the cancer treatment center.

Before I was completely well.


I know I have Leukemia from child hood or birth. 


Am taking medications off the shelf.

That is prescribed for Detox  treatment.

Urinary pills

Immune Deficiency pills


Mental Health pills supplements.

If ....

I am from Canada 


I ....

Can understand that.

Just give me the list of them


Will tell them they had cancer since birth.

It is not Cholesterol, or Diabetics it is Cancer.


They  will  know.

Doris Hall 

Kwame Waleah Hall 


The Morlocks

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Frieda Annette Holmes Hall Matar

 I found out that Frieda is 64 years old.

She told me she was about four years older than me.

She is a registered psychiatrist New York State.

She had me at age seven years 11.

Born May 7, 1964 

She lived at the same house hold as me.

She left after the pregnancy.

Moved to Buffalo,New York .

After delivery gave me up for adoption.

She never did anything with me.

She left me at the hospital in Buffalo,New York.

She never came back.

Frieda Hall stole my child away from me.

She came to To the house in 1995 took snap shots of the bed room where I stayed with the baby.

She told them the baby had blood marks on the back.

She said there was a knife in the bedroom underneath the crib.

She took snap shots .

I never saw my child again.

Zachary Michael Hall is a Diabetic.

I am leukemia.

He doesn't like me because of Frieda we look alike but she is taller. Two shades tanner.

She never liked me.

She doesn't like Atlanta Jean Hall ether.

I thought Freddericka Wilson had her.

They say they're around the same age. 

My son stays on peptides steroids .

Frieda gives it to him.

So he can like her best.

I am not going to forgive myself for having a child in New Jersey. 

He is embarrassed of me because of Frieda Hall.

She stole him from me. 

 I am gonna have to live my life without  son .

I tried......

She is a registered Play boy Bunny.

She is married to Antonio Peter Carucci .

William Forrester brother.

Doris Hall

Kwame Waleah Hall

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Andrea Hogan Pitt Had

 Andrea Hogan had four kids.


One boy.

Bria  Hall and her sisters.

Andrea Hogan Pitt 

Brat Pitt 

Candido Vir  Historio .

Brat Pitt 

Doris Hall
Means Waleah Hall