Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Transcripts and Birth Certificates The Cube

 The Cube 

Need about one more Certificate for first  name .

Three more for the second name. 

It is a puzzle .

Just like a cube.

I have one side of the puzzle.

My siblings have the other side of the puzzle.

To make a family tree.

Doris Hall

Classical Music 

Sunday, March 12, 2023

OJ Simpson And Nicole Brown Habant Aaliyah ?.


 Nicole Brown  and OJ Simpson Narrant habant Aaliyah. 


Anna Nicole Smith 

She is Polish she lives in May oasis Country.

Doris Hall 


Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Part II My Mother Is from Alien Nation / my Father is From The Colony

 The Colony 

My mother is from The Alien Nation .

She looks like the Character from the movie 

Atlanta Jean Medium Holmes 

Atlanta Jean Medium Hall 

Atlanta Jean Medium Central 

Atlanta Jean Medium Pacific 

Atlanta Jean Medium Mountain 

My father is a Super Hero Character.

Black  Actor

Edward Phillmore Medium Hall 

Edward Phillmore Medium Holmes 

Edward Phillmore Medium Central 

Edward Phillmore Medium Mountain 

Edward Phillmore Medium Pacific 

I don't know them .

They would not raise me.

Atlanta Jean  Medium Holmes

Atlanta Jean Medium Hall 

My mother followed rules and regulations from The Holy Tablets or Torah. 

This was written by 

Caesar Ramos Carucci.

He also wrote the Right Knowledge Books.

He spoke about every creed,complexion on the planet.

She speaks Nubic language. 

She lives in The State Of Nevada.

They are allowed to be Terrestrial there. 

They mold their face to look like a terrestrial. Dermatologist Surgery.

Holistic Practitioner

These people I call plastic faces .

They mold their faces like clay.

The other child she raised.

They say they are from another planet ?.

Quot ?..

Narrarant ab que another  planetae .

Secundua  orbits earth .

The Second earth .

Habant spacies  craftua.

They have space craft.

My mother knows all my class mates,family members,neighbors,formal co-workers. 

She knows my child as well.

I have to Waite for a connection to speak to her. 

Doris Hall


Classical Music 

Monday, March 6, 2023

My Mother Is Half Terrestrial And Half Human ! My Father He is Human Aetra Vir Part I

The Colony 

 Mea matar 1/2 Humana 

Candida Femina 

Atlanta Jean Medium Hall

Atlanta Jean Medium Holmes 

Race Cone Heads

Mea Pater  1/2 humano

Edward Phillmore Medium 

Edward Phillmore Medium Holmes 

Edward Phillmore Medium Hall 

Aetra Vir 

Convenire in Lean On Me Cinemgraphumi 1989 ana.

One cereal box 


One cereal box Father 


 I want a fruitcake no sugar.

I can try honey.

Or a sugar substitute. One teaspoon.


I want a portfolio an album past and present. Of yourselves and things done.

You will put in the cereal box after eaten by you. 

If you cannot have sugar they have substitutes cereal with none. 

Sugar Free cereal..


Fiftua centios Fifty  Nummi  coins. USD Currencio. Currency 

Doris Hall 



Scott Joplin 

Classical Music