Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Ashley Spencer, Rebecca Cory , Doris K. Holmes ,Smith who are you

 Decemba 2, 2020 ana 

The Who 

Cutting Crew 

Ashley you gave all these companies calling me on the phone.

Dorothy Smith 

Edith Smith 

Edith K. Smith 

Dorothy K. Smith 

Ashley K. Spencer 

Waleah K. Spencer 

Waleah K. Smith 

Kwame K. Brown 

Kwame K. Smith 

Kwame K. Spencer 

Kwame K. Holmes 

Waleah K. Holmes 

Marjorie K. Hall 

Marjorie K. Hall 

You gave them my address and phone numbers.

You didn't ask !.

Who are you please ?.

I don't think I know you ?.

I am swamped with paper work.

The females.

The females.

The females.

I know I am not gay !.

They keep sending subliminal messages.

I have errons that have to be done on time.

They are playing some rich game with the Federal Credit Unions all fifty states plus other countries.

Who are you Dorothy K. Holmes ?.

Who are you Kwame K. Holmes ?. 

Who are you Ashley Spencer ?.

Waleah K.Holmes who are you ?.

I am having a problem with 

Gerber family

Spencer family

So far these I know of.

How do you know about my credit cards ?.

Why did you shutdown my credit one account ?.

I have just about had enough with you !.

You wouldn't raise me.

You are nothing but a terrorist !.

How dare you break into my apartment make photo copies of my finances !.

And get away with it.

You mean Eastern Star girl.

They are just being nice to you because they are on a control substance.

You got me thrown out of a store when I bought the products.

You told them I stole the products.

You killed my cats with no sympathy !.

You stole my address and lied with taxes.

You claimed me on taxes without my permission.

You gave me two TB shots.

And mad me

handicapped !.

You are not watching me because you had me labelled schizerohrentic. For control.

You never took time out of your busy schedule to get to know me.

You stole my love fe a ay from me and got away with it.

You have a North Jersey Federal Credit Union account.

You were never a mother to me.

You never cared !.

I pay for all my stuff on my own no help from you !.

These people can't point me out to you.

Neither can the credit card companies neighbors formal co-workers.

You have completely e.barrassed me upstate.

Ordering people to point me out to you.

You used a voice scrambler to sound like me to speak to people.

You are extremely evil.

You were staying upstate for sixteen years !.

You wouldn't speak to me directly.

Because you wanted to play a game.

You never cared about me.

You stole my driver's license. Last month and got away with it.

You broke into my apartment and took it. Happened 

November 16, 2020 ana.

You sprayed skunk spray on my trash bags full of clothes.

You smeared skunk spray on my cages

2017 ana .

You are extremely abusive.

You smeared skunk spray on my walls ..

I usually have to keep cleaning them.

You gave my catae dog food.

He is in a coma.

You are extremely controlling.

I am not a Eastern Star member.

You forged my signature.

You have a blogger from the Eastern Star with my name on it.

You lied.

I don't speak to those people.

I am going to give you to Pin Head.

I don't have a blogger with Eastern Star.

I was arrested three times and charged felonies you huch are payed off.

You ordered them to point me out to you .

You never wanted a relationship with me as a friend or mother.

You used me as a sacrifice a slave child.

You had a cooking show The Chew.

You stole the cooking show from your niece.

You used a voice scrambler to sound like me.

You have multiple names you used. 

Edith Hall how dare you destroy me life !.

Seek and destroy game . You never cared.

You stole my son away from me with fake accusations.

I am sick and tired of getting into fistfights because you keep asking people to point me out to you. 

The police officers,correctional officers, can't point me out to you. 

All of your life you have been disrespectful !.

You got away with it with your North Jersey Federal Credit Union account.

You never cared about me. You used me for a child .

You showed off my child to your rich family and you wouldn't show me off. Because you are embarrassed of me.

You were never nice to me.Yiu used my class mates family members.

You went and did a background check on them for control. 

They are not allowed to speak to me because if you.

You have destroyed my relatiobship with my family.

You stay with them now.

You threw me out on the curb and got away with it.


I am always going to know you never wanted me.

I can out a normal child until you gave me two TB shots. 

That's fine since you don't like me.

You like to gamble .

I am not your Free gift Child .

Connie Upson

I cannot be your Free gift Child you didn't ask !.

Do you mind returning the stuff you took from me !.

Since you are not allowed to get handcuffed. 

The doctors,nurses,medical staff cannot point me out to you either.

You are such a devil !.

You have completely destroyed my relationship with anybody. 

These people cannot point me out to you !.

Edith Hall how dare you embarrass me.

Because you never wanted me.

You gave me up for adoption.

You never came around and did anything with me.

You never cared.

Give Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall her jewelry !.

You took it and away with it.

Will you leave my credit accounts along please. You are such a thief !.

So you like to use people and start fist fights.

Every time you start a fist fight thinking someone needs to be nice to you.

You going to get charged !.

Pull up Edith Hall transcripts. Black and white female tall skinny texturizer chemical in her hair.

I came up here with own money .

You do not tell me where to stay !.

I just needed to know who you were since you can't stand me.

Well looks like we cannot be friends !.

Keep playing the game.

I cannot believe how many fist fights I got into because of you.

The bank tellers,social workers ,social security and other mediums cannot point me out to you.

You are extremely evil. Edith Hall 



John Par 

Doris Hall

Kwame Waleah Hall

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