Saturday, October 23, 2021

Quintcennials Black and Whites Clara Mass

 October 23,2021  

Betty Green and Atlanta Jean Holmes.

Switched names and switched children.

Atlanta Jean Holmes house is in Highland Park, New Jersey.

Betty REen House is in Paterson, New Jersey.  On thirty eight street . Where Atlanta Jean Lives. 

Betty Green children Robert Hall who has a name change to Rodney Tolbert. 

Betty Annette Green ,name change to Kwame Waleah Hall, Doris Hall.


Robert Hall ,Irvin Harden Hall, is Rodney Harden ,Howard Tolbert Harden son. 

He is a qiuntcennial. Not any more he left the group.

* Edward  Romary has a name change to Edward Phillmore Hall. 

Betty Green that worked at Eastside Highschool in Paterson, New Jersey in the 1980s. 

SHe is a big huge celebrity in California and Las Vegas, Nevada. 

Betty Green who calls herself Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall is married to Detective Green white male American native. 

They live in Highland Park, New Jersey. 


Edward Phillmore Hall Romary is married to Betty Green they live in Paterson.

Her real name is Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall. 


ROdney Tolbert Robert Hall I my real brother. He switched names with Robert Harden Tolbert. 

RObeRt Rodney Tolbert Hall.

Had BriaHall,TolbErt,Harden ,Hughes.

He is married to Michelle Hughes.


The qiuntcennial don't get done circumcised. 

Females and males. They stay uncircumcised. 

They donT Come out they talk to people through the internet connection.

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