Friday, October 22, 2021

Suellen Quintcennial Laduant They Play Casino

 October 24, 2021 ana Friday 

Quintcennial Casino Game 

Peregrine's People 

Short People 

Hex Spells 

Female placentas 


Complete control over the female 





Hostile environment 



Suellen was completely jealous of Bria Hall for staying at the same household as me.

She held me prisoner for twenty five years.

She wouldn't speak to me directly she used neighbors,friends,classmates,formal co-workers as a connection to me. 

She is Kimberly Hall and a police officer child they are married. He is white short male. 

Kimberly made an exchangement with EdwinaHall. 

They have Transcripts with Suellen. 

Suellen has Transcripts with over a hundred people celebrities and regular background people in the entertainment industry. 

Bria Hall and her sisters and brother have Transcripts with celebrities so they can be their mother and father . 

Suellen completely destroyed my life speaking in Aramaic Adamic Language .

Being a Quintcennial or Five Percenter. 

She does background checks on people behind Their backs. 

She starts slot of fist fights and arguments around me.

Youcannotbelieve a word that comes out of her mouth. She makes up stories constantly. 

Doris Hall 


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