Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall mutatio Norma Silber Twins

 January  18, 2022 ana 

NoRMa  Silber est Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall. 

Jean Hall that raised me is black. 

It happened on East 38 the St 

PatERson, N.J. 

KwaMe  WAleah Hall told them to do this. 

She told us to swallow a pill to forget. 

And we did . 

We have the same name but spelled differently. 

I was  born in Rome, NY.  

My name is .

Sum  Kwane  Waleah Hall . 

Her name is 

Kwame Waleah Hall 

Slightly different. 

I know her as Miriam Silver. 

She wanted to play the Shinders List game . 

She was extremely wise for her age with medicine. 

I have been trapped for forty six years. Because people wanted to play the Shinders List game at the casinos. 

*** Miriam Silber real name Kwame Waleah Silber  . Stayed at Clara Mass in New Jersey. 

Kwame Silber  had to stay there for observation in 1976. 

Her mother who is Miriam Norma Silber. Black female who raised me, never recovered. 

Until this day I am her daughter KwameWaleah Hall . 

John Curry est mea father.

Mutatio nomen cum Edward Phillmore Hall . 

The game is called The Shinders List game. 

Forget all your troubles and pain playing the game . 

I was only five years old .

I was told to swallow a pill and forget  My name we have almost the same name. 

I do what I am told .

Kwame Silber put the sedative in the food. 

She was also born in the same month as me . September 1, 1971 but she was born in Buffalo, New York . 

Kwame WAleah Silber lives in Buffalo or Rochester, New York . 

She has the same name so she can  liked best . 

Kwame Silber switched names with me as a child at five years old .

She is white not black.

She is Native American from the Buffalo Tribe.

I thought she was Jewish faith. 

She goes to The Africa all the time.

Saying her name is Kwame Waleah Silber .

Her mother is Miriam Norma Silber who is black . 

She raised me thinking I was her child. 

My name is Kwane WAleah Hall .

Her name is Kwame Waleah Silber.

HeR first name is Mediterranean second Mediterranean like my name is. 

I was suppose to have been raised  the real  Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall who is white. 

She calls herself Norma Silber still to this day . 

Kwame Waleah Silber stole my identity at five years old. 

She was told not to use the name out in public because of Prejudice.


The Jewish Temple  in Paterson, N.J. 

I went to pre-school there. Transferred to Bishop Nouveau changed to St. John's  then transfer to St. Therese in Paterson,N.J. 


I don't want to have anything to do with you. 

YoU left me. 

You told me to swallow a pill and 

Forget everything. 


I don't have to stay with  since you were never around. 

You want to make the announcement go ahead.

You are Virginia Anne Silber twin sister.

Your name is Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall.

Your sister is Virginia Anne Holmes Boulware.

Miriam Norma Silber  is the black lady that raised me.

The Little Rascals Darla the two of them played..


I paid a large sum of money because I am a slave and your not . 

I want to have a nice life without you  .  

Vale Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall.


MiRiam Silber is your daughter Jean Hall. 

Doris Hall 

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