Monday, May 31, 2021

Maurice And Deja Matres

 Maui XXI, MMXXI ana 

Luna Monday 

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Maurice Dubois Aetro Repotoris prep channel II 2 news .CBS 

Deja aetro muscia contricis singer professional . 

Maurice Dubois 


In the video before the song comes on .

You see Andrea Dubois who is Maurice Dubois Matar. 

You also see Jeff Gadere in the video as well in the beginning. 


Also it is possibility I am related to  

Mr. Maurice Dubois  

He could be my older brother .

Doris Hall 


Friday, May 28, 2021

Parents Helen Yvonne Tolbert

 May 28, 2021 ana 

Veneris Friday 

Transcripts Pulled !.

Helen Yvonne Tolbert filia ad: 

Alicia Susan Spencer .

Helen Yvonne Tolbert filia ad ; 

Edward Phillmore 


Doris Hall 


Freegift Upson and Connie Upson Order

 Maui XVIII, MMXX ana 

Veneris Friday 

The Freegift Upson Order and 

The Connie Upson Order 

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Abortaus Mission.

Doris Hall 


Friday, May 21, 2021

Tollere Sursa Transcripts Hinduasii Freegift Order and Connie Upson Remover Orderios

Maui XXI, MMXXI  Ana 

Veneris Friday 

Transcripts Pulled !.

I am having a problem with the Freegift Order and Connie Upson Order.

The tree People are connected to the Freegift Order and 

Connie Upson  Order 

Disconnect from Freegift  order and Connie Upson Order  now Tree People. 

I will have to assign other people.

The Freegift  Order and Connie Upson Order  has been removed from.

The United States Of America. 

Your people cannot stay on American soil. 

The State Of Ohio.

Western Reserve Academy 

West Point Terrae territory. 

Show me the carcer monstra. 

Doris Hall 


Ficatis Avai Nuvau Timia Framia

 Maui XXI, MMXXI ana 

Veneris Friday 

Transcripts Pulled !.

Ficatis Avia Timia Framia .

Eastern Daylight Time 

You all make way for the new  Time Frame.

Hawaii- Aleutian 

Standard Time GMT- 10:00

Alaska Daylight Time GMT- 08:00

Midway GMT- 11:00

Mountain Daylight Time GMT- 07:00

South Georgia 

GMT- 02:00 

Pacific Daylight Time GMT- 06:00 

Central Daylight Time GMT- 05:00 

The changes have been in effect.

Since 1990 

We are way behind with schedule. 

Doris Hall 



The Monkeys  

Thursday, May 20, 2021

First Cher Siamese Twin

 Maui XX, MMXXI ana 

Lovis Thursday 

First Cher looks similar.

Came on the scene in the Late 1970s.

They were both famous. 

They know of each other. 

First Cher 

This one Matres Jermaine Jackson .

Habet Michael Jackson electrica light skinned one. Who has a Siamese Twin. Who is Bobby Day who is from The Vintage scene. 

Bobby Day 

I will find a photo of him. 

Second Cher 

Second Cher came out she  the 1980s until now. 

She Matres Elvis Presley one of them.

Not sure which ones ?. 

She had habet. Carlos Presley. Carlos has a Siamese Twin brother. 

Doris Hall 


Saturday, May 15, 2021

Insects ,Humans, water,Earth,Fire

 Maui XV, MMXXI ana 

Veneris Friday 

Insects : Magnets 

Humans: Corspe Dead 

Animals: Dead 

Skin: Human Itchy Flesh 

Scratch to sores bloody 

Rashes irritations in body 


Transcripts Pulled !. 

Doris Hall 


Vladimir Kolesnikov And Helen Yvonne Tolbert Eiames Twin Matted

 Maui XV, MMXXI ana 

Siamese Twin to 

Helen Yvonne Tolbert 

A.K.A. Sorrority Sister 

 I am Not a member. 

Helen Yvonne Kolesnikov is a A.K.A sister. 

Helen Yvonne Tolbert and Vladimir Matres. 

My blogger on your wife was Breeched. 

I received an email saying so. 

Our friendship is over 

She lies and spread rumors about me.

Saying my name is Nadira  Khan starting fist fights with the Hindiis ,Africans, India.

She told them I stole their cash.

Also black Italians,Latinos,Arabs. 

Destroyed my reputation in Paterson,and Newark, New Jersey. Also Georgia Putnum County. And New York 

Starting fist fights. 

Destroyed my relationship with x boyfriend's and female friends,and family ,neighbors,formal co workers.

Playing a Serial Killer Game from the Casinos. 

Your wife is to mentally disturbed.

To understand the trama she caused. 


We cannot be friends or family.

She is to psychotic.

Doris Hall 


May Kidd Jamounana Kidd Casino Player

 Maui XV, MMXX  ana 

Friday Veneris 

May  Kidd Casino Account 

She doesn't know me.

She gave me up for adoption. 

Edward Romary 

Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall 

Parents For Jamounana Kidd 

There are two of them. 

Not sure which one .

 One of them had me. 

Doris Hall 


Bethany Green Matar

 Maui XV, MMXXI ana 

Bethany Green 

Habet mea 

Kwame Waleah Hall 

Kwane Waleeh Hall 


Casino Account Active 

Trump Plaza Casinos 

The money reserved for me .

I want it cancelled out. 


I spoke to the supervisor .

The child is the one that is abused from all of this.

Or killed off.

They will take over from here. 

Doris Hall 


Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Decennials Mediums destroyed my stuff Jealousy

Maiu 12, 2021 ana 

Mercura Wednesday 

Transcripts Pulled !.


Abortio  Mission 

****They would not allow people to have a connection. With their children because of a name change. The children did with Transcripts. Or Adults did with Transcripts.

Don't like under classes. 

Like for instance quintcennials, quadcennials, etc. 

Only watch certain individuals. 

Like to spread gossip about people start Fist fights. 

Thought my name was Nadira Khan.



Stolen Identities 

Breaker Entries 

Stolen Goods 

Stolen Money 

Poisoning Food 

Leave people in a coma state 

Given Out Wrong Information 

Start Fist Fights 

Have people arrested with fake charges 

Steal people's husband's 

Steal people's wives 

Steal family members 

Abuse animals 

Knowing Classified information 

Black mail people 

Cannot be trusted 

Help out who they want 

Not the ones ordered to watch and help. 

Their headquarters is America and in other countries. 

Pulled me out of my dream world.

Pointed me out to Arabs saying I was Nadira Khan.

When I was not. 

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Doris Hall 


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Evil Marshmallow Fetis

 Marshmallow Evil 

May 11, 2021  Ana 

Transcripts For Fetus 

Transcripts For Embryos 

Sold online stolen at the abortion clinic. 

Your Siamese Twin 

Bought the embryo or fetus.

And it was concieved.

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Doris Hall 


Book Of Moses

 Maui X I, MmXXI  Ana 

Morstis Tuesday 

 Book Of Moses 

The Ten Commandments 

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Helen Yvonne Tolbert Harassment

Maui 9, 2021 Ana 

Helen Yvonne Tolbert 

Thought my name was Nadira Khan. 

I don't know who you think are.

Has a Siamese Twin or Fraternal Twin. 


They said you killed my animal listening to voices .

I got breeched !

I am finding another blogger. 

I would get blamed for you. 

Done I am finding a new blogger. 

Assault Telepathically messages. 

Hearing Voices 

Victim committed suicide.

Aetra femina 31 years old.

Niece . Tolbert Family 

Committed suicide wrist cut. 2020 Last year.

Just left Rehabilitation in The State Of  Delaware.  


Endangering Children 

Animal Abuse 

Breaking Entries 

Stealing Jewelry's 

Stealing Identities 

Helen Yvonne Tolbert 

Is a member of the New Jersey Covenant.

Black Wiccan 

All games played at Trump Plaza Casinos 

Casino Accounts 

These horror flick games can only be played at Trump Plaza. 

Giving Away the child.

Make a switch with something or human. 

I want my account closed.

They opened it without my acknowledgement. 

Transcripts Pulled !


Doris Hall 

