Saturday, May 1, 2021

Kwane Waleeh Hall Siamese Twin Brother

 Maui 1, 2021 Ana 

Saturni  Saturday 

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Kwane Waleeh Velvet Vir 

Elvis Hall Vintage 

Bobby Velvet 

Robert Velvet 

Share the same social security number. 


May 4, 1971 same year as me.

Grew up with his parents.

Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall 

Different female  in Hawaii 


Edward Phillmore Hall 

In Hawaii. 

Different guy. I don't know him. White 

I grew up on the East Coast without my parents. 

I grew up in foster care. 

My foster care parents had the same names.

Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall 


Jean Holmes as informer.

Edward Phillmore Hall 



Well I didn't know I had a Siamese twin. 

My birth mother wouldn't tell people.

I existed. She kept it to herself. 

He is completely in tuned with me. He does the same thing I do. All the time.

Awake the same time as me. 


I got treated like trash for not knowing about my Siamese twin. 

Arrested several times.

I got my identity stolen from me . 

My credit cards stolen from me.

I couldn't file taxes because if you. 

You can have our parents.

They were never around for me. 

They left me and never came back for me.

I am gonna change my social security number.



Doris Hall 

You say that is your name.

Kwane Waleeh Hall 

I grew up with the name 

Kwame Waleah Hall 

In Africa it is a guy's name. 

You say both names are Hawaiin. 

My name is Doris Hall now. 

Elvis  Hall Vintage 

Robert Velvet 

Kwane Waleeh Velvet 

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