Wednesday, May 5, 2021

parents ,etc Transcripts Pulled Pavilion Apts and Colonades Apts

 Maui 5, 2021 Ana 

Annette Holmes 

Colonades Apts same floor.

I didn't ask your name well..

I thought you would've told me your name.

I thought you were nice.

You and your brother ought to be a shame of yourselves. 

I cannot believe what you are capable of.

You were very spiritual female black light skinned. Church going.

You never opened up your mouth.

You are the reason why I couldn't come back to the Colonades.

Edward Phillmore Hally foster father can only remember one of us. 

You had no business telling  him you were my mother without saying  anything to me. 

I have known you for about thirty years. 

You and your brother have no business doing this. 

I had no idea I had relatives at the Colonades.

I just know you stayed in the studio apartment between the elevators.

Now you went and told all those people I was your child but you wouldn't say anything to me about it. 

You have completely destroyed my life. 

Your brother stayed down the hall the last apartment to the left.

The two of you are a embarrassment. 

You had Corrina. 

Well I think you should tell her. 

I was blocked off from asking people on the same floor or any floors about the Church Of Christ.

I would ask people on the elevator every now and then not often. 

It is a shame you waited for me to introduce you to the Church Of Christ.

The two of you had no business medaling you were never around financially.

The two of you never asked me if I needed anything. 

I never been so embarrassed in all my life. 

You raised your twin Siamese who was connected to me.

But you wouldn't raise me. 

I don't know your side of the family. 

You and your brother are extremely evil. 


My brother who is my Siamese twin doesn't know me because of you.

You were suppose to introduce me to him.

Since we were raised different houses. 

I am not going to trust anybody else again.

You are evil. 

Your son who is my Siamese twin .

Is Hawaiin he was raised Hawaiin. 

He speaks the Hawaiin language. 

He doesn't know me.

He says his name is.....

He has a family who doesn't know me as well. 

Doris Hall 


Children Of Darkness 

The Haunted 

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