Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Sarita Sandra Bhatia Hall

 June 9, 2021 ana 

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Birth Certificates Pulled !. 

Sarita Sandra Bhatia Hall 

Matres Benjamin Hall my foster Uncle. 

Sarita Bhatia Hall speaks Hindi,Spanish,and English. 

Sarita Sandra Bhatia Hall habet Sandra Hall her father is Benjamin Hall. 

Sarita Sandra Bhatia Hall also had Patricia Hall. 

Patricia Hall's father is Benjamin Hall.

Sarita Sandra Bhatia Hall mother is Willie Mae McKoy who is a black female. I met Willie Mae in the early 1980s. With Doris McKoy in Rome,New York. 

Sandra Hall habet Nikil Bhatia she speaks Hindi language and English language. She is considered a black female. She doesn't acknowledge her Hindi family around the Hall family. 

Benjamin Hall wouldn't tell anyone he married a black female that speaks Hindi or her faith is Hindi faith. 

Patricia Hall habet Sarita Carucci.

I met Sarita Carucci at St.Joeseph Hospital in Reagan II Psychiatric Floor. 

I know Dr.Bhatia through Barnet Hospital now called Urgent Care. She was my Psychiatrist. Dr.Bhatia wouldn't tell me I was related to her.

Doris Hall 


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