Thursday, September 30, 2021

Edward Larry Hall and Atlanta Jean Caruuci Annette Habant me

 October 1, 2021 ana 


Stolen cell phone 

Breaking into my apartments several times different apartments . 

Rosary Beads  stolen 

 PriVate fIlEs Stolen .

Stolen identity 

Larry Hall died for me he wouldn't have anything todowithme. 

Neither would his wife. 

Annette candida female. Blonde hair. 

Never took time to get to know me. 

Never cared about me. 

Casino Players 

Lions Club members 

Stole custody of my child . 

Well .....

I needed proof who my parents where. 

They usually say it is someone you know or met. 

But they are complete strangers to you. 

I have a Case39  paranormal short people. 


They speak Adamic language . 

Mormon Faith ,Seventh Day Adventist 


Methodist faiths 

Doris Hall 


The Omen 

Ave Santani Poem or song 

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