Thursday, September 2, 2021

Carla Edith Hall Good Oh my ? ... Es mea matar. Vuh !.. Vuh !. Jamounana Kidd....Jamounana Kidd ....What Are You Dasne ?...

 September II, MMXXI ana 

Carla Edith Hall

Quisne es Dasne ?.

Carla Edith Hall Qua Hugh ? 

Curne es scriptes mea letters ? 

Christos Cardos

Natus Carduas 

Letters about face mask.

Ega non feda.

Esne Mormon fedes ?  

Did you write me letters since childhood.

Usua idens some else's identity ?.

Did you use some one else's name to send me cards and messages.

If you left something else in the card 

It gets taken away by those short people or Mormon staff.

I do not receive the messages. 

The Mormon staff automatically take it.

I wouldn't know who to go to to retrieve the messages.

I do not know them.

They said it is policy.

You should've put your own name down.

I thought my foster family was sending messages. 

I thought the money and clothes came from them.

It wasn't alot of money.

I would say over fifteen years about 2,000 was sent to me.

You need to be honest.

I am not Mormon faith any more.

I would have to ask them 

Even so, you have no business playing this game.

On the outside world .

I do not know you ?.

This game you played through the casino was extremely dangerous.

I might have never have guessed right. 

Is this the Clue Game at the casino ?.  

Is this the Mormon section of the casino ? . 


You have a niece that looks similar. 

The two of you look alike. 

There is no telling.


Who is Dad ?. 

I have to guess because you are playing the clue game. 

Doris Hall 


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