Tuesday, September 21, 2021

The Bible Says No To The Casinos !

 Sepember XXI, MMXXI  Ana 

The Bible says no to the casinos !. 

Well, Jesus came out to the casinos and did this ......

He had a whip  ok wiate a minute....(Pause ..)

He had a flock of sheep. That he was selling at the casinos or the arena. 

They had casinos back then. Different arrangement. 

NIV Bible 

AIV Bible 

KJV Bible 

Say it is wrong Togo to the casinos. 


That is not true. 

The casino money goes to the state and different counties . 

You and I reside in. 

The casinos do not keep the money . 

They make a percentage on the casinos and hotels. 

Doris Hall 


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