Thursday, June 17, 2021

Sarita McCloud filia ad Dr.Bhatia

 June 17, 2021 ana 

Pull Transcripts !. 

 Pull Birth Certificates !. 

Sarita McCloud Sandra Carucci sorrorae .

Sandra Hall habet cum Thukkor ea pater. 

Professor Thukkor music magistru teacher. College. 

Sohail Thukkor filio ad Sarita Carucci Sandra McCloud. 

Bria Hall's matar

 June 17, 2021 ana 

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Birth Certificates Pulled !. 

Stephanie Daniels habet Bria Hall,Hughes,Daniels she has different last names. 

Stephanie Daniels lives in Paterson,New Jersey.

Aetea Femina 

Doris Hall 


Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Mary Hall

 June 6, 2021 ana 

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Birth Certificates Pulled !.

Mary Hall who is my foster aunt.

Habet Nadira Khan from my grammar school. Class Of 1985 ana . St. Therese 

Her father is Ecimo Khan. 

I barely know Mary Hall and her family.

Frieda Hall,Kimberly Hall,Debra Hall.

They are my foster cousins. 

Doris Hall 


Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Saw At The Library

 June 15, 2021 ana 

Morstis Tuesday 

Pull up Transcripts !. 

Pull-up Birth Certificates !. 

The Men's Club 

The Ladies Club 

I saw you at the library on the second floor.


You wouldn't open up your mouth and say anything to me. 

If you are having me monitored I want to be taken off. 

You said you may bed to Lebenon Country in Africa. 

You said you were my father and you married Jamounana Kids.

You said you are a Top Hater.

Which is just like The men In Black organization. 

You said not to speak to you in public. 

Fine ...

I don't know you .

You weren't around for me.

They said you taught my son at West Point Academy.

Well you are extremely disrespectful. 

You eodnt introduce yourself to me at all.

I see you made sure you knew Zachary Michael Hall. 

They said you came to the birth of Zachary Michael Hall in 1995.

But you wouldn't say anything to me.

You went and picked him up at birth in the nursery.

You showed some legal documents saying you were the father of me. 

They say you speak Hindi language with Jamounana Kidd. 

That language has destroyed America .

They say you have a perfect relationship with Zachary Michael Hall under a different name last name. 

You have a birth certificate with his name on it and yours not mine.

You did this illegally. 

I know who you are now.

You cannot keep having me examined by the law enforcement fire department,regular civilians.

You have contract s or transcripts with all of these people in Chemung County,New York. 

White Male blonde hair. Say upstairs in the library used the internet the same time as me. But wouldn't say anything to me. 

Doris Hall 


Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Sarita Sandra Bhatia Hall

 June 9, 2021 ana 

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Birth Certificates Pulled !. 

Sarita Sandra Bhatia Hall 

Matres Benjamin Hall my foster Uncle. 

Sarita Bhatia Hall speaks Hindi,Spanish,and English. 

Sarita Sandra Bhatia Hall habet Sandra Hall her father is Benjamin Hall. 

Sarita Sandra Bhatia Hall also had Patricia Hall. 

Patricia Hall's father is Benjamin Hall.

Sarita Sandra Bhatia Hall mother is Willie Mae McKoy who is a black female. I met Willie Mae in the early 1980s. With Doris McKoy in Rome,New York. 

Sandra Hall habet Nikil Bhatia she speaks Hindi language and English language. She is considered a black female. She doesn't acknowledge her Hindi family around the Hall family. 

Benjamin Hall wouldn't tell anyone he married a black female that speaks Hindi or her faith is Hindi faith. 

Patricia Hall habet Sarita Carucci.

I met Sarita Carucci at St.Joeseph Hospital in Reagan II Psychiatric Floor. 

I know Dr.Bhatia through Barnet Hospital now called Urgent Care. She was my Psychiatrist. Dr.Bhatia wouldn't tell me I was related to her.

Doris Hall 


Sunday, June 6, 2021

Enya Carucci,Karachi

 June 6, 2021 ana 

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Birth Certificates Pulled !. 

Enya Carucci 

Enya Karachi 

Two girls Siamese twins .

Candid Femina 

Aetra Femina 

Doris Hall 


Foster Family ,Foster Friends, Foster Co- workers etc..

 June 6, 2921 ana 

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Birth Certificates Pulled !.

Foster Family members 

Foster Aunt's,

Foster Uncle, 

Foster Grandmother,

Foster Grandfather,

Foster Cousins, 

Foster sisters,

Foster brothers,

Foster  Friends,


Doris Hall 


Saturday, June 5, 2021

Cher two of them: I have To Tell You What I know !.

 Junio V,  2021 ana 

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Birth Certificates Pulled !. 

I have To Tell You What I Know.

Cher is Hawaiian .

Mr. Romary raised Cher and Sunny. They are siblings. 

Cher says she has a older child that lol ks similar to her. 

But Waite !..

Nesson Liam 

This is your father.

Liam Neeson he is your father.

Cher had you.

You into a fist  with Vladimir someone or several from his family. Vladimir is not my husband. 

You put your hands on me for no reason at all.

Now I have your sword. 

You are no longer a member of Excalibur fleet. 

I just got thought you should know. 

This all I have for now.


Doris Hall 


Doris Hall 


Cathy Dennis 

This song was made in United Arab Emirates country. 
This video was made in U.A E. Country. 
Cathy Dennis 

Alot of videos,movies made in this country.television shows etc. For American viewing. 
They going to be erased . 
They went and made several sections as big as states to look like America. They speak English there not Hindi or Arabic. But it is temporary. You have to learn Hindi language to stay there. Your trapped for life with their hex Spells. 
The celebrities don't want to leave U.A.E.. or Qotar they have Americanized states in both countries. You cannot tell the difference. If you are a drug addict you can't tell the difference.  Twenty five in one country twenty five in another country. 

The other countries did the same . 
Russia,European countries, Asian countries as well. 

Vale ,