Monday, November 30, 2020

Alicia Fisher Spencer

 November 30, 2020 ana 

Luna Monday 

Alicia Spencer Tony Fisher 's Sister.

Who did you have ?.

You had Kwame Brown mayor of Boston, Massachusetts.

Your name is Kwame K. Brown.

Alicia K. Fisher 

You have been saying you are my mother ?.

Which are accusations.

I don't really know you.

You have been robbing the stores.

You keep saying you have a North Federal Credit Union acount.

You have been getting arrested using my address. You have been using my address to receive packages and visitors.

You told people this was your guest house which wasn't true.

You don't own the house.

You keep using my address to file for taxes every year.

You keep starting fist fights using my address and phone numbers.

You called up Social Security to get me taking by off of a check.

Telling private information on me.

You called up IRS saying I have been filing taxes late. 

I have two fines from the IRS .

Plus I have a fine  from New York State because of you making accusations about me. 

You went an found out I have accounts with stores. You got some of them frozen.

Or they deducted from my account.

Under 200.00.

You broke into my apartment several times without asking me.

You took snap shots of legal documents.

You took snap shots of my apartment.

I have a right to know who you have been giving information to ?.

You are such a smartallic !. 

You had this guy give me a audit .

You lied and said I stole your account. 

Why is it so necessary for you to be in charge.

When you would be a mother to me.

You don't even know me !.

I cannot believe you !.

I thought you were nice.

Do you mind staying out of my apartment ?.

You don't live here ?.

Will you act your age. 

"I Thought this was a Game " ?.

Alicia Spencer said.

She has several Transcripts.

For a acting role.

You watch my movements when I leave to and from my apartment.

How do you know my child ?

Zachary Michael Hall

Were you filing claiming me on taxes ).

You didn't ask to claim me.

That is my Treasury Account money.

Why did you start a fist fight here.

In Elmira, New York.

You told the clerk I left my driver's license at A drug store.

How would you know that ?.

What are you doing watching me without my permission ?.

Light skinned

Black And White Native American

 black  hair  leisure curl  texturizer  female.

Taller than me.

Church St , Elmira NY 

Heavy set a little taller then me.

From Connecticut State U S A.

Why would you think the clerk from the store would tell me.


I left my driver's license at the drug store.

That is none of her business.

Why would you Involve them !.

They don't know me.

They are just clerks at a store.

I met you at the Elmira, New York Library.

Five years ago.

You moved to Upstate New York  the same time I did. 

December 2006

You got the information from my foster mother.

You had no right to lie to these people who you greet and party with.

You don't know me.

They cannot point me out to you because you want to play a game. 

You are extremely spoiled and selfish apathetic.

If you were my mother ?.

Why wouldn't you say anything.

Your family are diplomats. 

You wouldn't introduce me to them.

But you introduced my son to your family without my permission.

You keep using my address,cell phone numbers without asking me.

Which is rude. 

You didn't want to raise me.


You insisted on raising my son without me present or asking.

You stole him from me.

He is grown now. 

He grew up without me.

You had full custody because your family are diplomats .

You never wanted to have anything to do with me.


These people upstate are strangers to me.

I don't know them.

I grew up in New Jersey.

You can't keep controlling everything because you had me.

You wouldn't acknowledge me as a child. 

You waited until after age fifty to claim me in the public. 

You live in my section of Chemung County, New York. 

You would pass by and walk your dog or pass by in your car. You would never stop and talk.

I didn't know I was related to you.

You are playing the Subliminal Message game.

You filled out paper work for me to play the game without my consent. 


I am sick and tired of being charged because you have a North Federal Credit Union account.

You are responsible for me being incarcerated.

I don't have a North Federal Credit Union account. 

How dare you use me and make a profit without my permission. 

I cannot believe what you are capable of !.

You never did anything with me.

You left me at the hospital.

Like a bucket of chicken.

You never came back.

I was blessed to have foster parents because of you.

Am I your surprise child ?.

Am I your Free gift Child ?..Well...

You didn't ask me ?.

You are nothing but a trouble maker. 

Everything inside my apartment I purchased it.

You have no business monitoring me without asking. 

Do you really think this a game ?.

That you were allowed misbehave.

With you North Federal Credit Union Account ?.

I don't owe you anything Alicia Spencer.

You left me. You never came back for me.

I am not your slave child.

That you can use as a punching bag.

Why you keep calling up social services blocking checks.

You keep giving them information about me.

These are all accusations. 

You are a trouble maker. 

You are playing a Seek and Destroy Game.

You were wigs different styles different colors.

Your a Terrorist 

Pin Head from HellRaiser wants to talk to you.

Doris Hall

Kwame Waleah Hall 

Mr Grinch 

High- Strung Ramblers 

Electric Light Orchestra 

Super Tramp 

Richard Marx 


Saturday, November 21, 2020

Derek Carucci Derek Jeter s

 November 21, 2020 ana 

Derek Jeter Filio ad Derek Carucci.

What did you do with my cats ?. 

Who are you starting a fist fight with ?.

Derek Jeter didn't marry Mariah Carey he married someone else.

Why did you steal my child ?.

You think somebody playing with you ?.

Derek Jeter married 

Kelly Clarkson.

Why don't you get your facts straight.

Who told you to touch them.

I don't know you.

I am not Derek Jeter's wife.

Why did you take my grey cat to this black asian lady.

Because she went and said it was hers.

She lied to you.

He came back extremely sick.

Whatever Derek Jeter did to you.

You don't have a right to take my animals to a abandoned house. To die off.

Because you can't stand Derek Jeter.

You are a coward.

So are the rest of your friends.

Playing some seek and destroy game.

Why did you kill off my animals ?.

You are a coward.

Derek Carucci !.

Don't take my son anywhere else.

Without my permission.

I didn't sleep with you.

How dare you take advantage of me.

So I cannot defend myself.

You are a coward.

Keep playing the seek and destroy game.

What are you doing with my child ?.

I didn't sleep with you ?.

You really this upset because you weren't allowed to talk to Miriah Carey ?.

You didn't have to kill my animals off.

What are you doing coming to my apartment when I am sleeping with my son.

You don't pay for nothing over here.

You that upset you weren't allowed to talk to Miriah Carey ?.

Why did you kill off my animals.

What is the subliminal message here ?.

You look just like Derek Jeter.

You have no business clowing around.

Derek Carucci.

These people can't tell the difference.

They thought you were Dreck Jeter.

You have not business clowning.

They are staying with n River Dam, New York. 

Randy Carucci Child ,Transcripts

 November 21, 2020


Your wife name is Lesley Carucci.

I thought I was getting old you to quit passing out Transcripts to people.

Fights, hostages, thievery, insults, violating property. Etc.

Your son's name is You Randy White, Jackson.

Your wife is from Austrailia.

They are Shamanist.

Who don't raise children.

Alicia Lesley Spencer,Smith

Your mother said ....

She didn't mean hurt you as a child.

She didn't mean to leave you at the adoption agency.

Doris Hall

Kwame Waleah Hall

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Alicia Keys,Carucci mother Alicia Keys

 November 19, 2020 ana 

Salve Iteram

Hello Again.

Alicia Keys 

I cannot believe how old you are.

Alicia K. Keys 

Who did you have ?.

They say you are about 63  years old.

You are not young.

Madeline Spencer is your mother.

Alicia Spencer 

Alicia Keys 

Who did you have ?.

Tracey Ross Spencer , Diana Ross Spencer,Corey Katherine

 November 19, 2020 ana 

Lovis Thursday 

Tracey K. Ross 

Diana K. Ross 

Who did you have ?

These are the names you use.

Quit filing taxes in my name.

You can't speak to my son.

You tried to break into my apartment last  night..

For what ?.

You don't live here.

You don't know me.

Quit using my address,phone numbers,cell for attention.

Quit hacking my email.

Quit forging my mail etc to your account.

You didn't ask !.

You never bothered to do anything with me.

Diana Ross 

Yet you take my son over seas plus,California without my permission.

You didn't ask.

You showed my son off to your family without my permission.

You didn't have him.

Why did you lie ?.

You never cared !.

How dare you do this for attention !.

You are a top knotch celebrity.

Quit giving out my cell pHone numbers to strangers. 

Quit forging my signature.

You speak Hitite language.

You have no business lying to all those people.

You have a North Jersey Federal Account.

You stole him from me Zachary Michael Hall.

You were never a mother.

You gave me up for adoption.

Who did you marry ?.

Quit using me to play a game.

You had fifty years to know me.

You chose to play a game.

Kwame Waleah Holmes

Dorothy Holmes 

Alicia Spencer black 

Catherine Corey black 


There are two Tracey Ross's .

Salve Iteram..

Who did you have ?.

Doris Hall

Kwame Waleah Hall

Doris Hall
Kwame Waleah Hall

You had me ?.
No way !.
Yuuz had me ?.
You had me ?.
I don't believe this ?.
I don't know her.
I never met her before.
I cannot believe this !.
What do you mean you had me ?.
You wouldn't of left me at the hospital.
Like a bucket chicken ?.
Oh my stars what in the name of the trees ? 
You had me ?.
Wow !.
Wow !.
I am fabricated !.
You wouldn't of done this ?.
Wow !.

High Strung Ramblers 
Pure Misery

High Strung Ramblers
Boy Run Boy Run 

Ruby Ann
Singer and guitar player

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Carla Edith Hall & Marjorie Hall, Alicia Spencer


Novembra 18, 2020 ana 

Mercura  Wednesday 

Marjorie Hall & 

Carla Hall Videos 

Carla  K. Hall 

Edith K. Hall 

I don't know her.

It is a possibility Marjorie  Hall is the mother.

Their are two of them.

They both look alike

Marjorie Hall Spencer Carucci

Carla Edith Hall Carucci Spencer 

Dorothy K. Holmes 

Will you please quit giving out my address and phone numbers to people.

They can't make a connection with me.

They don't know me.

They can't show me to you for a connection.

Life Insurance Policies 

Rental Insurance

Car Insurances 

Animal Insurances 

Medical Insurances

Blue Cross Blue Shield



You went and got several patents.

With my name.

I told you to quit clowing around because I don't know you. 

You can't file taxes in my name any more.

Use your own signature to file taxes.

Who is this Alicia Spencer that you went and gave her my cell phone numbers ?.

Plus addresses.?.

Are you Alicia Spencer ?.

Why did you do this with this game ?.

You don't know me.

These people can't point me out to you.

They are taking a control substance.

You have no business doing this .

We have the same voice .

They cannot tell the difference. 

I got charged $5,000.00. Fine

Because you kept filing late with taxes.

From the IRS.

Before that I had a bill of $4,000.00. From the I R.S. for filing saying I owe them money.

You have no business stealing my identity.

You can't keep filing using my social security number. Under the name Alicia Spencer.

Will you knock it off with this game.

Because you are completely spoiled.

I don't have a life because if you.

I am sick and tired of people calling me a thief because they are not allowed to start arguements   with you !.

Why did you do this Alicia Spencer ?.

You don't even know me.

You kept giving my numbers out to strangers. Thinking they would show you to me. Or give me a message.

I had a guy screaming out the name sum every day . All this week and last week.

You gave him my private address without asking.

You think all of this is funny ?.

You used me.

The guys don't want to talk to me .

They want to talk to you.

You stole my e-mail address. I made it up. You didn't ask !. I created the email.

How could you go on television with my voice and not know me. 

You distroyed my life to play a game.

I was arrested three times.

Got into alot of fist fights because you stole my identity.

Alicia Spencer 

Alicia K Spencer

Ashley K. Spencer 

Edith Hall

You are a Eastern Star at member.

You lied and said I was initiated in 1985.

Which wasn't true.

I never joined the Eastern Star .

You have some type of blogger with my name on it.

You have no business lying.

You created this account without my permission.

You have no right to do this. 

Why do you keep filing with my social security number .

Every year with state of new jersey taxes.

You also filed taxes in :

New York

North Carolina




You forged my signature without asking

You never asked me to do so.

Which one are you ?.

Carla Carucci 

Alicia Spencer

Will  you act your age please.

Don't forget my signature on contracts.

Applications ,etc..

You never asked me .

You never took time out of your busy schedule to get to know me.

Who are all these people calling me up on the phone. Using my address and cell phone numbers.

Who gave you the right to proceed operations without my consent.

You used a voice scrambler to sound like me.

Who is this Derek Jeter look alike.

You have been confiding to ?

He doesn't know me.

You mind not giving out my private information to these people.

They use  my apartment like a hotel.

Without my permission.

They say you were staying in  the he apartment building up the street from me,for six years.

Before that you stayed on the farm land. When I first moved to this section.

You have been filing taxes in my name.

Using my  addresses and social security number. Without me permission.

You kept saying it was a surprise.

You kept telling people your name was Kwame Waleah Hall

Dorothy Hall

Kwame Waleah Carucci

Kwame Waleah Spencer

Dorothy Holmes

Kwame Holmes

Kwame Waleah Smith

Dorothy Smith

You keep signing  things that were met for my signature not yours. 

You keep saying it is a game you are playing.

You had custody of my child for twenty four years. 

I never regained custody because of you. 


North Federal Credit Union

Tennessee Federal Credit Union



Looks like I don't have parents.

The two of you weren't around for me.

I have foster parents which is a blessing.


Doris Hall

Kwame Waleah Hall

Alicia Spencer 
She wears wigs.Different hair colors
There are two of them..
They both wear wigs .. 

Lawrence Fishburne is Carla Hall father.

From The Chew Cooking Show

High Strung Ramblers 

Electric Orchestra 

Music Machine


Strawberry Alarm Clark


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Rebecca Corae

 November 17, 2020 ana 

Who are you ?.

Who are you ?

Why you keep signing things with your child's name .

She keeps signing things that don't have her name on it.

She has four children.

Three girls and one boy.

The ABBA Music Band 

Red hair from the music group is mother.

You are married to...

Timothy Reid professional actor black.

Rebecca K. Corae 

Doris Hall

Kwame Waleah Hall 

Friday, November 13, 2020

Katherine Jackson Spencer

 Novembra 13,2020 ana

Friday Veneris

Josephine Jackson who you had ?.

Your family members have the same Social security number as me 

They are also using my son's social security number.

Katherine K. Jackson 

Janet K. Jackson 

Damita Jo  K. Jackson 

Doris Hall

Kwame Waleah Hall


Katherine Jackson younger version.
69 years old.
Jean raised me because you left.
You didn't want to be mother to me.
Why you keep using a voice scrambler sounding like  Atlanta Jean Hall ?.
Why you upstate looking like Atlanta Jean Hall for attention ?.
You only 69 years old 
What is the subliminal messages ?.

he Jackson family.


Thursday, November 12, 2020

Randy Jackson Carucci

 Novembra 12,2020 ana 

Lovis Thursday 

Randy  Jackson

Randy Jackson 

Randy I don't have time for games.

You had  Rebecca Corae.

You married the lady from ABBA .

Singing Music Band from the 1970s.

The Blounde is married to Randy Jackson

Written by,

Doris Hall

Kwame Waleah Hall

Friday, November 6, 2020

Virginia Anne Holmes Spencer

 November 6, 2020 ana

Friday  Veneris 

Who are you ?.

Virginia K. Holmes 

Atlanta K. Holmes 

Atlanta K. Hall 

You are playing the Subliminal Message game.

You look exactly like  Atlanta Jean Holmes -Hall.

The lady that raised me in foster care.

Which one is which ?.

You  look like twins .

You say you own the house in Paterson, New Jersey.

Doris Hall

Kwame Waleah Hall

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Lean On Me Characters 69 years Of Age

 Novembra 11, MMXX ana 

Salve Iteram 

Hello Again.

The Characters from The Lean On Me Movie.

Are in their sixties.

They are not in their fifties.

Adult Content Rated R 

Mushond Lee Aetro Actoris 

He is 69  years old.

Mushond Lee is Andre Donaldson n father.

He lives  upstate now.

Mushond Lee needs to be intoduce to his son. Andre Donaldson they both look similar. 

" Lean On Me " movie 1989 

Aspectrae sursa 

Look up the movie 

Doris Hall 

Mushond Lee habet relatio Kwame Waleah Dale.


This non mea.

Satis Mea.

My name Kwame Waleah Hall.

Kwame Waleah Dale is Audrey Holmes for me.

Non tollere mea. 

Didn't raise me.

Andre Donaldson II 

They look similar 


Miratio !.

Miratio !.

Miratio !.

I am the one caught out there.

The joker.

Doris Hall

Kwame Waleah Hall

Introduction Ruby Anne 

Ruby Ann Intermission body Content .

Ruby Ann conclusion   


The End 

Aetra Florae 

Aetra Rosae 

Add to  content in body of confessions.

Wanda Jackson 

 Add when Kwame Waleah Holmes comes out.

The Rythim Shakers 

 Put in the body of confessions.


Hello again

Andre Donaldson voice scrambler

Tennere in trapment for twenty four years. 

You used a voice scrambler to sound like me.

You went and signed a whole bunch of contracts with my name on it.

You forged my signature 

Wanda Sykes 

Black Actress actricis, And Comedian.

She doesn't know me .

Andre Donaldson she tricked you.

She uses a voice scrambler to sound like me.

Wanda Sykes doesnt know me at all.

She gave me up for adoption at birth. 

I stayed at the hospital in Rome, New York.

Until three years old. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Audrey. Hepburn Spencer Matat

 Novembra III, MMXX ana 

Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn habet  Lucy.

Mea convenire  St.Joeseph  hospitalist. 

1995 my roommate in Reagan Ii 

Paterson, New Jersey.

Doris Hall

Kwame Waleah Hall 

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Raqua Spencua Clinician

 Novembra 1, 2020 ana 

Clinician  Rachua. Spencua 

You are certified to be a social worker.

Habet four children.

You are 69 years old.

I met you at Holliswood Hospital.

2006 October to December 2006 ana 

I was doing a research project.

On amoxicillin.

Your children all have the name.


You have a credit union account.

Raqua K. Spencua 

Doris Hall

Kwame Waleah Hall