Saturday, November 21, 2020

Derek Carucci Derek Jeter s

 November 21, 2020 ana 

Derek Jeter Filio ad Derek Carucci.

What did you do with my cats ?. 

Who are you starting a fist fight with ?.

Derek Jeter didn't marry Mariah Carey he married someone else.

Why did you steal my child ?.

You think somebody playing with you ?.

Derek Jeter married 

Kelly Clarkson.

Why don't you get your facts straight.

Who told you to touch them.

I don't know you.

I am not Derek Jeter's wife.

Why did you take my grey cat to this black asian lady.

Because she went and said it was hers.

She lied to you.

He came back extremely sick.

Whatever Derek Jeter did to you.

You don't have a right to take my animals to a abandoned house. To die off.

Because you can't stand Derek Jeter.

You are a coward.

So are the rest of your friends.

Playing some seek and destroy game.

Why did you kill off my animals ?.

You are a coward.

Derek Carucci !.

Don't take my son anywhere else.

Without my permission.

I didn't sleep with you.

How dare you take advantage of me.

So I cannot defend myself.

You are a coward.

Keep playing the seek and destroy game.

What are you doing with my child ?.

I didn't sleep with you ?.

You really this upset because you weren't allowed to talk to Miriah Carey ?.

You didn't have to kill my animals off.

What are you doing coming to my apartment when I am sleeping with my son.

You don't pay for nothing over here.

You that upset you weren't allowed to talk to Miriah Carey ?.

Why did you kill off my animals.

What is the subliminal message here ?.

You look just like Derek Jeter.

You have no business clowing around.

Derek Carucci.

These people can't tell the difference.

They thought you were Dreck Jeter.

You have not business clowning.

They are staying with n River Dam, New York. 

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