Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Transcripts Corona Virus

Martius 31, 2021 ana 
Mercura Wednesday 

Habant Transcripts for the Corona Virus. 

Habant Transcripts for AIDS disease .

Transcripts Pulled .

Deacatrica: Kwame Waleah Hall 
Deacatrica : Doris Hall 

Transcripts Family

 Martius XXXI, MMXXI ana 

Loose Ends Lead singer.

Matress  Roderick Herbert .

Habet  Laneice Herbert. 

Deacatrica : Kwame Waleah Hall 

Deacatrica : Doris Hall  

Transcripts New Family

 Martins XXXI, MMXXI ana 

Salve Iteram.

Hello again. 

Mom... What are you and Dad doing my material. The things people have me ?. 

The two of you didn't raise me. 

Why did you have all my stuff s my to The State Of  Ohio ?. 

I never let bed there .

I know who the two of you are. 

What surprise ?. 

Ask Alma H. For my address. She can make sure I get the material. That was sent to me. 

You know .....

Natural and ne is going to suspect you. 

You are real tall.

Deacatrica: Kwame Waleah Hall 

Deacatrica: Doris Hall 


Loose Ends 

New Parents with Transcripts

 Martins 27, 2021 ana (Forwarded from Information Blogger)


Herbert L Thomas J 

Lynard  Jackson 

 as known as 

Brian Lowman with a transcript. 

Aetra Vir  Truxicis  coloris 

Herbert  Lynard Thomas Jackson 

Vitet Hackensack, New Jersey. 

Pull Up Transcripts !. 

I had this information for about ten years. 

Didn't think much of it. 

You are extremely evil. 

You lived there in New Foundland because of segregation to n America 1950s-1970s. 


I am going to find out.

Their culture is backwards.

Even their names for people is backwards. 

They speak over a hundred different languages.

They had no business teaching Americans about Transcripts. 

You have enslaved the public. 

I know who your father is. 

Which is  why I am going to stay upstate new york. 

He is not your father who raised you. 

From Bill Cosby show tv. He just had a transcript to be your father.

It is someone else.

You  completely  destroyed my life with Transcripts.

Way before I had my birth Transcripts. 

You logged on with my birth certificate, the first time. 


This is why the people from New Foundland had no business teaching Americans about Transcripts. You enslaved me.

I wasn't allowed to enter into the Entertainment field.

Because of people with Transcripts. 

I was highly educated and didn't know at the time. 

Before I was pregnant. With about twenty six credits  including grade point average. Which is enough for a master's degree from a college now called a  university.

  Your Transcripts make you delusional. You don't deal with reality well.

You hear voices.

You use a voice scrambler. 

Your face and body shape shifts for people. Who they want to hear voices from. The voices become soothing.

You can use a voice scrambler in New Foundland Country,  not America Country. 

You don't understand right and wrong because of your Transcripts. 

Your not gonna ever understand punishment properly.

Alot of  people don't care for you.

Because you destroyed their life with  transcripts. 

They  have to stay  in a gated community because they are to expensive. They are only allowed to speak to certan individuals. 


Who you had ?. 

You took all my stuff. 

You had it forwarded to your address. 

You use my email addresses. 

You use my phone numbers as well. 

What did you do with all the messages ?. 

Packages etc. ?. 


Your Father is 

Louis Jackson 


Kwame Waleah Hall 

Doris Hall 


Loose Ends 

Transcripts Stolen Identity Pulled (

 Martius XXXI, MMXXI ana 

Mercura Wednesday 

Stolen Identities !. 

Brian Lowman, Thomas Lowman,Rachel Lowman,Susan Lo man, Alicia Lowman,Kwame Lowman,Waleah Lowman,Herbert Lowman,Lee Lowman,L.Lowman,J.Lowman,Jackson Lowman,Weis Lowman.


Kwame Waleah Hall,Rachel Waleah Spencer,Alicia Waleah Spencer,Rachel  Lee

Hall, Alicia Lee Hall, Alicia Waleah Hall. Rachel Waleah Hall.

Doris Hall,Rachel Lee Doris,Doris Lee Hall. Thomas Hall,Herbert Hall. 


Thomas Kakeoh my cat's name. Thomas Wucka Bear.

Identity Stolen !. 

Pulled Transcripts !. 

Deacatrica: K wame Waleah Hall 

Deacatrica: Doris Hall 




Monday, March 29, 2021

Hinduasii, Hindi,Asian Indians

 Martius XIX, MMXXI ana 

Luna Monday 

Hindi,Hinduasii, Asian Indians 

They want to be called Bali people. 

They blew up The World Trade Center , 💥 n on Twentieth Street in Manhattan, New York.

Augusta, MMXIX  ana.

Their was a explosion in Chemung County, New York. Junio II, MMXIX. Solis

They were told to leave and they went and got upset. 


You think they care about you ?. No !.

I cannot tell you how many arguments I have got into with them. 

Because they were jealous !.. 

Food Stamp Lady 

A Guy's Name !.. 

They don't like to be called Asian Indians. 

They don't want to be called Hindi. 


Natural Khan 

Nikil Bhatia went and graduated from my grammer school.  

Class Of 1985 ana 

St. Therese it is not there any more becaus of Hindii people. 

They changed it to a charter school because they kept insisting on going there. 

They have destroyed my reputation calling me schizophrenia. Mentally Disturbed. 

I have Cerbral Paisley. 

  Scoliosis, plus. 

They have Transcripts To Get What They Want. 

This why they were allowed to be celebrities. 

They are extremely distructive. 

You be careful around them. 

And thing around you can blow up in a minute. 


I had to go to their supervisor and complain about them. 

They are not suppose to get a Stimulus Check. 

Now the explosions are going to begin with them. 

Deacatrica: Kwame Waleah Hall 

Deacatrica: Doris Hall 

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Transcripts Pulled !.

Martins XXVIII, MMXXI ana 

Transcripts They scan the Bar Code.

On the back of the Transcript or Birth Certificate.

Or the Birth number on the certificate. 

New Foundland has some type of system.

They use for Birth Certificates and Transcripts. 

It is Certificate Deposit. 

Kwame Waleah Hall 

Doris Hall 


Loose Ends !. 

Thursday, March 25, 2021


 Alma Jean  Herbert Measels Carucci 

Alma Herbert's filia 

Roderick's  Herbert Carucci sorora.

Vita Third  Avia Street 

Elmira, New York 

Edward William Measels Carucci  

Parents prep 

Kwame Waleah Hall 

Doris Hall 

Lorenzo Tate 

Renz Tate  


Thursday, March 18, 2021

Hostile Environment

Martins 18, 2021 ana 

Aqua  mea hostilia enviromentia.
Ab mean certe parentias. 

They have Transcripts with my name on it without my permission.


Helen Yvonne Tolbert 


They live in The State Of Ohio

Deacan: Kwame Waleah Hall 

Deacan: Doris Hall 

Friday, March 12, 2021

Howard Stern matres Jamounana Kidd


Howard Stern says ...

He had me ?. 


I don't about that ?. 

With Joumana Kidd 


I just don't know ?.

Howard Stern 

Deacatrica: Kwame Waleah Hall 
Deacatrica: Doris Hall 

Monday, March 8, 2021

Kwame Waleah Tolbert, Carucci Matat ?

 Martius 8, 2021 ana 

Luna Monday 

Activated Transcripts by:

Atlanta Yvonne Tolbert 

Atlanta Helen Tolbert 

Atlanta Helen Carucci 

Atlanta Yvonne Carucci  

Helen Yvonne Tolbert 

Suffacatio carbon papper.

Prima corspio 

Kwame Waleah Tolbert 

Dorothy  Tolbert 

Kwame Waleah Carucci 

Dorothy Carucci 

Kwame Yvonne Tolbert 

Helen Kwame Tolbert 

Helen Kwame Carucci 

Kwame Yvonne Carucci 

Kwame Waleah Carucci 

Kwame Waleah Hall 

Detinet Pavillion apartment buildings nj. 1312 buildings my D and building C.

Escape from Clara Mass Institution in New Jersey. 

She stole my child plus my  identity.

Playing a casino game. 

She never came around to visit me.

I stayed at the colonades apartment building up the street from her.

Under the name Kwame Waleah Carucci. 

She was living there for forty six years. 

She says she is my mother.

I really don't know her. 

She raised my child with a Transcript.

Which is perfectly legal. 

Without my permission. 

Her name for me Helen Yvonne Tolbert 

Zachary Michael Hall

Stolen from me with a Transcript. 

New set of parents.

Zachary Michael Tolbert grand father for Zachary Michael Hall.

He doesn't know me.

Donald Tolbert,Carucci,Hall  is my father I don't know him. 

He is a professional Director. 

White male.

He says he was born on April 1, 1971.

With a transcript and change of name.

He calls himself Kevin Hall. 

Kevin Hall says he had Zachary Michael Hall.

April 1, 1971 ana. Kwame Kevin Hall says he had Zachary Michael Hall.

April 4, 1995 at St. Joeseph's hospital. 

He is not the father of the child. 

He is not the grandfather of the child. 

Kwame Kevin Hall never had my permission .

To say his name was Kwame Kevin Hall. 

Kwame Kevin Hall has a birth Certificate  saying he was born .

March 12, 1946 ana.

Plus a Transcript to say he is Kwame Kevin Hall

He never did anything with me.

Kwame Kevin Hall doesn't know me. 

Kwame Kevin Hall had a name change in September 1976 ana.

Kevin and Helen gave me up for adoption. I never saw the two of them again. 

Edward Kevin Hall is his real name.

He has been living off Transcripts ever since. 

He never cared about me.

Neither did Helen Yvonne Tolbert. 

She kept saying she left me with mommie. 

My life was stolen from me by these people. 

I knew this lady  Helen Yvonne Tolbert all my life.

I grew up with the name : Kwame Waleah Hall not Tolbert. 

You can't trust your family who can you trust. 

I cannot believe what you can do with a transcript.

If you want new parents and family you got it wit a transcript. 

Just like that you can steal someone's child right underneath your nose.

They cannot get charged.

Because it is a legal transcript. 

You automatically loose the case with people with Transcripts. 

They have brought back slavery to America Country.

I thought Yvonne was my friend .

I cannot believ how fast my child got stolen from me.

She has as suppose to have been my God sister. 

I never regain custody again. 

You have to go to the Supreme Court System. To see 🙈 f they can help. 

My child 😍 s grown now.

Zachary is twenty five years old now. 


Transcripts and birth certificates: 

Edward Kevin Hall Father 

Born March 7, 1946 ana 

Helen Yvonne Tolbert Mother 

Born April 12, 1951 ana 

Child Kwame Waleah Hall 

Born September 1, 1971 ana 

Rome Memorial Hospital 

Rome, New York 


Kwame Kevin Hall 

Born March 4, 1946 ana 

Raleigh, North Carolina 

Kwame Waleah Carucci Female

Born January 7, 1956 ana 


September 1 1976 ana 

Kwame Waleah Hall 

Rome Memorial Hospital 

Rome, New York 

Helen Yvonne Tolbert 

6'5 height black female beige complexion. 

Edward Kevin Hall 

White male 6'7 height Director.  


Kwame Kevin Hall 

Kwame Waleah Carucci black female 

Birth   Zachary Michael Hall 

April 4, 1995 ana 

St. Joeseph Hospital 

Paterson,New Jersey 

Birth Certificate and Transcript stating as is. 


Plug in the pieces.

Your information.

Change of name legally. 

This is the outcome. 

Gary D.

Had Wakim Brown 

Gary D. 

Had Rasheed Brown 

Gary D. 

Says he is the father of me.

With a Transcript !. 


Kwame  Waleah  Hall 

Doris Hall 

Helen Yvonne Tolbert is his X wife. 


Lay De Day !..

Gary my father ?.


I don't see it .



Christopher Cross 

Deacatrica: Doris Hall 

Deacatrica: Kwame Waleah Hall 

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Transcripts Information

 Martius 7, 2021 ana 

Solis Sunday 

(When I went to get Zachary's Birth Certificate I wents to Paterson Community Health Center in Paterson, New Jersey.

I didn't go to Trenton,New Jersey. 

I didn't think it was important at the time.

The Community Health Center gave me 

The birth certificate for Zachary Hall.

Why was it important to go Trenton, New Jersey.

They charged me a small fee that's was it. 

After I had Zachary at St.Joeseph Hospital . They told me to go pick up his birthday h certificate in Trenton, New Jersey. )

They give out birth certificates  there. 

The Community Centers across the States. Are given out Transcripts. 

Francis Dorman told  me this .


Hold Up Waite a minute ?. 

What Now ?. 

Yeah !.

Is that so now ?.

Ok then. 

Well Francis Dorman had no business lying to me. 


What is suppose to happen since I didn't go to Trenton, New Jersey to get his birth certificate ?. 

Even for animals,mediums, life forms. 

Even over seas. 


Listen and come down please. 

Check the yellow pages it would be listed there. 

Civic Centers 

Community Centers 

Retardare curcumii.

Check Around your community they have it. 


Part II 

I know he isn't listed in Trenton,New Jersey. 

He is listed in Paterson,New Jersey. That's Why.

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Deacatrica: Doris Hall 

Deacatrica: Kwame Waleah Hall 

Fraternis Robert Hall

 Martius 7, 2021 ana 

Transcripts From 

Paterson Community Health Center 

Paterson, New Jersey 

Robert Hall 

Irvin Harden 

Has a Transcript with my name on it.

I didn't sign anything .

Someone else signed the Transcripts. 

We don't really get alone because  of these Transcripts. He never wanted to do anything with me. It's just a Transcript we are related. I am not sure if I am related or not.  I just have Transcripts with these people. I would have to check. 

Deacatrica : Kwame Waleah Hall 

Deacatrica: Doris Hall 

Paterson Community Health Center

 Paterson Community Health Center 

Paterson,New Jersey 

I have people that have a Transcript with my name on it. 

Kwame Waleah Hall 

Doris Hall 

They didn't ask me .

They put in my birthday and year. 

But the difference is the month is different. 

They said they were my sister or brother. 

They didn't ask me .

This has been going on since 1976 ana. 

They used my birthday year and month and day. 

Classmates : St. Therese, St.Johns, Eastside Highschool, Kilpatrick public Grammer school. Mary Help Of Christians Academy Haleeon,N.J. 

Inner City Ensemble, The Now Theater, Career Beginnings, Jacky Donavan Studio, Haledoon,N.J. 

Family  Members ,Friends,Neighbors,Teachers,Co- Workers, Viacom,Fans,Strangers,etc. 

Hall, Smith,Brown,McCloud,Gibson, Holme,Tolbert, Clayton,Hughes,Wilbur,Caldwell,Romary,Davidson,Abo,Flores.

Check for Me Please. 

 Deacatrica:Doris Hall 

Deacatrica: Kwame Waleah Hall 

Deacatrica: Doris Hall 

Deacatrica: Kwame Waleah Hall 


 Martius 7, 2021 ana 

Zachary Michael Hall 

Transcript to bey brother. 

Born  April 1, 1971 ana 

Not true.

Birth April 4, 1995 ana. 

My son .

He doesn't like me.

He doesn't give me anything from people.

He wishes that he didn't come from me.

He wants to be born from someone that's not handicapped or labeled schizophrenic. 

He is embarrassed of me. 

Deacatrica: Doris Hall 

Deacatrica : Doris Hall 

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Atlanta Jean Holmes Piguas

Martius  6, 2021 ana 

Atlanta Jean Holmes - Hall

Iniate Piguas to the Masonic Temple June 1985 ana .

Under the name.

Atlanta Jean Holmes 

Birth September 7, 1971 ana 

Monroe, Louisiana State .

Went to Grambling Uinversity in Louisiana State. 

Eradare she is .

That is a mistake.

She is..

Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall 

Who raised me.

Born May 7, 1946 

Lake Providence, Louisiana State. 

She has a transcript to say this. 

I am her sister sorora sister. 

I never join The Masonic Temple  in Paterson, New Jersey.

My mother said I was disabled . I am of no use to you. So I never went to any of the meetings. 

She told them I was schizophrenic. 

My foster mother is Bali Faith. 

She use to read Sanskrit. 

She grew up on the reservation in Louisiana State. 

Atlanta Jean Holmes has dementia. 

The cell phone she had is from the Masonic Temple. 

Alot of her stuff comes from there. 

She doesn't pay for anything.

I am going to have to ask for the bill.

They usually tell her everything free. 

She has been with them forty six years. 

Everything is not free. 

It gets added to a bill on your account with them. 

They see no  prejudice.

Every year be has a account with them in your account n state. 

Deacatrica : Kwame Waleah Hall 

Deacatrica : Doris Hall