Saturday, March 6, 2021

Atlanta Jean Holmes Piguas

Martius  6, 2021 ana 

Atlanta Jean Holmes - Hall

Iniate Piguas to the Masonic Temple June 1985 ana .

Under the name.

Atlanta Jean Holmes 

Birth September 7, 1971 ana 

Monroe, Louisiana State .

Went to Grambling Uinversity in Louisiana State. 

Eradare she is .

That is a mistake.

She is..

Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall 

Who raised me.

Born May 7, 1946 

Lake Providence, Louisiana State. 

She has a transcript to say this. 

I am her sister sorora sister. 

I never join The Masonic Temple  in Paterson, New Jersey.

My mother said I was disabled . I am of no use to you. So I never went to any of the meetings. 

She told them I was schizophrenic. 

My foster mother is Bali Faith. 

She use to read Sanskrit. 

She grew up on the reservation in Louisiana State. 

Atlanta Jean Holmes has dementia. 

The cell phone she had is from the Masonic Temple. 

Alot of her stuff comes from there. 

She doesn't pay for anything.

I am going to have to ask for the bill.

They usually tell her everything free. 

She has been with them forty six years. 

Everything is not free. 

It gets added to a bill on your account with them. 

They see no  prejudice.

Every year be has a account with them in your account n state. 

Deacatrica : Kwame Waleah Hall 

Deacatrica : Doris Hall 

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