Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Transcripts New Family

 Martins XXXI, MMXXI ana 

Salve Iteram.

Hello again. 

Mom... What are you and Dad doing my material. The things people have me ?. 

The two of you didn't raise me. 

Why did you have all my stuff s my to The State Of  Ohio ?. 

I never let bed there .

I know who the two of you are. 

What surprise ?. 

Ask Alma H. For my address. She can make sure I get the material. That was sent to me. 

You know .....

Natural and ne is going to suspect you. 

You are real tall.

Deacatrica: Kwame Waleah Hall 

Deacatrica: Doris Hall 


Loose Ends 

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