Wednesday, March 31, 2021

New Parents with Transcripts

 Martins 27, 2021 ana (Forwarded from Information Blogger)


Herbert L Thomas J 

Lynard  Jackson 

 as known as 

Brian Lowman with a transcript. 

Aetra Vir  Truxicis  coloris 

Herbert  Lynard Thomas Jackson 

Vitet Hackensack, New Jersey. 

Pull Up Transcripts !. 

I had this information for about ten years. 

Didn't think much of it. 

You are extremely evil. 

You lived there in New Foundland because of segregation to n America 1950s-1970s. 


I am going to find out.

Their culture is backwards.

Even their names for people is backwards. 

They speak over a hundred different languages.

They had no business teaching Americans about Transcripts. 

You have enslaved the public. 

I know who your father is. 

Which is  why I am going to stay upstate new york. 

He is not your father who raised you. 

From Bill Cosby show tv. He just had a transcript to be your father.

It is someone else.

You  completely  destroyed my life with Transcripts.

Way before I had my birth Transcripts. 

You logged on with my birth certificate, the first time. 


This is why the people from New Foundland had no business teaching Americans about Transcripts. You enslaved me.

I wasn't allowed to enter into the Entertainment field.

Because of people with Transcripts. 

I was highly educated and didn't know at the time. 

Before I was pregnant. With about twenty six credits  including grade point average. Which is enough for a master's degree from a college now called a  university.

  Your Transcripts make you delusional. You don't deal with reality well.

You hear voices.

You use a voice scrambler. 

Your face and body shape shifts for people. Who they want to hear voices from. The voices become soothing.

You can use a voice scrambler in New Foundland Country,  not America Country. 

You don't understand right and wrong because of your Transcripts. 

Your not gonna ever understand punishment properly.

Alot of  people don't care for you.

Because you destroyed their life with  transcripts. 

They  have to stay  in a gated community because they are to expensive. They are only allowed to speak to certan individuals. 


Who you had ?. 

You took all my stuff. 

You had it forwarded to your address. 

You use my email addresses. 

You use my phone numbers as well. 

What did you do with all the messages ?. 

Packages etc. ?. 


Your Father is 

Louis Jackson 


Kwame Waleah Hall 

Doris Hall 


Loose Ends 

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