Sunday, March 7, 2021

Transcripts Information

 Martius 7, 2021 ana 

Solis Sunday 

(When I went to get Zachary's Birth Certificate I wents to Paterson Community Health Center in Paterson, New Jersey.

I didn't go to Trenton,New Jersey. 

I didn't think it was important at the time.

The Community Health Center gave me 

The birth certificate for Zachary Hall.

Why was it important to go Trenton, New Jersey.

They charged me a small fee that's was it. 

After I had Zachary at St.Joeseph Hospital . They told me to go pick up his birthday h certificate in Trenton, New Jersey. )

They give out birth certificates  there. 

The Community Centers across the States. Are given out Transcripts. 

Francis Dorman told  me this .


Hold Up Waite a minute ?. 

What Now ?. 

Yeah !.

Is that so now ?.

Ok then. 

Well Francis Dorman had no business lying to me. 


What is suppose to happen since I didn't go to Trenton, New Jersey to get his birth certificate ?. 

Even for animals,mediums, life forms. 

Even over seas. 


Listen and come down please. 

Check the yellow pages it would be listed there. 

Civic Centers 

Community Centers 

Retardare curcumii.

Check Around your community they have it. 


Part II 

I know he isn't listed in Trenton,New Jersey. 

He is listed in Paterson,New Jersey. That's Why.

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Deacatrica: Doris Hall 

Deacatrica: Kwame Waleah Hall 

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