Sunday, April 18, 2021

Kwame Waleah Hall and Cleveland Tolbert Transcripts Switched Names

 Aprilua 18, 2021  Ana 

Solis Sunday 

They seitched my name when I was five years old.

I didn't Know.

I cannot remember anything past five years old. 

Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall did this without my permission. 

In Paterson Community Health Center. 

Paterson, New Jersey

Cleveland Tolbert 

Lives in The State Of Delaware.

I don't have his phone number or address.

So does Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall. 

I cannot believe what she is capable of. 

She completely stole my life away from me as a child.  

I was never the same again.

They kept making fun of me with the name .

Kwame Waleah Hall 

They kept saying it means boy born on Saturday. 

Cleveland name real name is Kwame Waleah Hall. 

My name is Annette Wilma Hall I believe. 

I really learned my lesson with organize crime people.

I have a Transcript and birth certificate the Kwane Waleah Hall.

This is not my name.

Transcripts Pulled !. 



Philosopher: Doris Hall 

Philosopher: Kwame Waleah Hall 

Friday, April 16, 2021

Atlanta J. Holmes Hall ad Helen Yvonne Tolbert

 Aprilius XVI, MMXX Ana 

Friday Veneris 

Transcripts Pulled !. 

You have over twenty Transcripts to clown around. 

I am not your daughter you showed them a Transcript to be Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall. 

Your name for me is Helen Yvonne Tolbert. 

****You keep feeding my catae with cann d cat food without my permission. 

****You came inside you used the toliet. The cats get sick from toliet water. The lid was off the toliet sit. 

***My cats fur is brown again because of you.

***They are Diabetics animalistic. 

You are extremely jealous. 

I live where I want. I don't have to answer to you .

You are not my mother.

This is the last time you defy me. 

*** You will hand in all of your Transcripts. 

You got these Transcripts from Paterson Community Health Center. On M.L.K. Boulevard.

The name for the Street use to be Broadway. 

You had no business stealing my address and phone numbers passing it around. 

Atlanta Jean Holmes lives in Daniel, New Jersey. 

You stole Helen Yvonne Tolbert's life. 

She doesn't know who she is because of you. 

You have to stay at Clara Mass now. 

Your privileges have been removed. 

Your Transcripts have been confiscated. 

You have completely destroyed my life.

Not that you ever cared. 

Quit giving out my private information. 

You didn't want to he mother. You wanted to hang out in the streets. 

You didn't care. 

Don't come back unannounced. 

Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall 

Helen Yvonne Tolbert 

Aetra Femina 

Sam Jones says he is married to Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall 

She in her sixties. Who is Helen Yvonne Tolbert 

Your wife doesn't know me. 

I want to be taken off the scanner.

Philosopher: Kwame Waleah Hall 

Philosopher: Doris Hall 

the haunted 1 2 5 


Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Helen Yvonne Tolbert, Kwame Waleah Hall who am I ?. Who

 April 14, 2021 Ana 

Wednesday Mercura 

Qua sum ?. 

Who am I  ?. 

My name is Kwame Waleah Hall.

This is the name that was given to me.

I have a Birth Certificate and Transcript saying this. 

If my name is Helen Yvonne Tolbert

 For Forty Six years 1976. 

I have been using the name.

Kwame Waleah Hall.

There was an exchangement in Daniel, New Jersey. 1976 September

I was also given a social security number under the name Kwame Waleah Hall.  

This is the name I have been using all this time.

Besides my new name Doris Hall.  

Her name is Helen Yvonne Tolbert for me she has multitude of names she uses.  Like for instance, Dorothy Jackson,Hall,Holmes,Tolb-ert. 

If my name is Helen Yvonne Tolbert I didn't know ?. 

Deacatrica: Kwame Waleah Hall 

Deacatrica: Doris Hall 

 Loose Ends 

Loose Ends 

Tell Me Waht You  Want 

Howard Tolbert,Edward Philkmore Hall,Robert Hall,Rodney Tolbert Stolen Identities !.

 April XIV, MMXX Ana 

Mercura Wednesday 

Salve Iteram 

Hello Again 

Edward Phillmore Hall 

Switched names with Howard Tolbert. 

Rodney Tolbert switched names with Robert Hall. 

Howard Tolbert  stays in North Carolina. 

Edward Phillmore Hall stays in Newark, New Jersey.

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Wendell Tolbert under the name Zachary Michael Hall. Who is my son's name.  He is not the father of Zachary Michael Hall.
Switched names by Helen Yvonne Tolbert. 

Rodney Tolbert under the name Robert Hall .

Kept sending me Greeting Cards. 

I thought the greeting cards came from  Robert Hall.

No the greeting cards came from Rodney Tolbert. He signed the name Robert Hall instead of Rodney Tolbert. 

Howard Tolbert would send me Greeting cards under the name Edward Phillmore Hall from North Carolina. 

They switched identities. 

Edward Howard Hall raised me not Howard Tolbert. 

Edward Phillmore Hall is the name on the birth certificate for me. 

It sounds like Helen Yvonne Tolbert made up the birth certificate. Those are her signatures. 

I cannot believe what she is capable of. 

She completely destroyed her family's life for a game. 

She forges people signatures. 

Helen Yvonne Tolbert sent me a money order under the name Atlanta Jean Hall she signed AHall cursive handwriting. 

The name she knows me as Doris K Hall. This is not my name. I can't understand why she keeps sending me Greeting cards under the name Doris K. Hall. 

This lady has multitude names. Stolen Identities.

She meets people in Daniel, New Jersey.

My greeting cards come from Daniel, New Jersey.

She calls my child Daniel.

Daniel Z. Hall 

His name is Zachary Michael Hall.

She uses a voice scrambler to sound like me.

She has been forging my signature ever since I was a child. 

She would wear the same clothes as me. 

Wear wigs to look like me.  She changes her complexion to look like me. 

She starts a lot of fist fights around me. Making sure I get blamed not her. 

Or she wears a lighter shade of make up. 

She uses the name Kwane Waleeh Hall or Dorothy Hall.

Her real name Helen Yvonne Jackson Tolbert. 

She says she is playing a game. 

The Morlocks 

The Baytovens 

The Children Of Darkness 

1910 Fruitgum Company 

The Archie's 

Peppermint Rainbow 

Strawberry Alarm Clark 

Deacatrica: Kwane Waleah Hall 

Deacatrica: Doris Hall 

Who is Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall ? Helen Yvonne Tolbert

 Helen Yvonne Tolbert 

Vite The  State Of Ohio. 

The City Of Lima, Ohio.

The City Of Toledo ,Ohio. 

Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall 

Switched names

Transcripts Pulled !..

Deacan : Doris Hall 

Deacan: Kwame Waleah Hall 

4-14-2021 Ana Wednesday  April 

Helen Yvonne Tolbert 

Has been sending me mail.
Under the name 
Atlanta Jean Hall.
I couldn't tell the difference.
Both their handwriting is the same. 
She has been sending me Greeting cards. 
I didn't know it was her until now. 
She was staying at Atlanta Jeans Holmes - Hall old address on East 25 the Street in Paterson, New Jersey. 
They say people have been coming by to visit me there at this address because of her. 
She told them I grew up there which isn't true. 
I grew up on East 38 The Street.
This Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall knows all my friends and church members, formal co- workers but a different set of neighbors. 
She spells the my name: 
Kwane Waleeh Hall 
Not Kwame Waleah Hall.
 I cannot believe  how fast I got lost within the system
 Because I didn't know what people were capable of. 
Her name is Helen Yvonne Tolbert for me as a child. 
I can't believe she did this for attention
 She completely destroyed my reputation in Paterson, New Jersey. 
I am labelled schizophrenic because of this. 

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Helen Yvonne Tolbert FBI Agent

 Aprilius 13, 2021 Ana 



Matar Kwane Waleeh Hall Holmes 

Kwane Waleeh Hall 

Informer Helen Holmes 

Informer Yvonne Holmes 

Gave me a birth certificate saying my mother's name was 

Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall 

Her real name is 

Annette Wilma Jackson Holmes Hall Romary 

FBI agent Helen Yvonne Tolbert refuse to come clean and say she was my mother for fifty one years. 

Helen Yvonne Tolbert gave me up for adoption.  

Helen contols people behavior with medication. 

She is a diabetic Helen  Yvonne Holmes Hall Tolbert Jackson. 

She is one of the controllers of  New Jersey, New York,Connecticut States.  

Yvonne Jackson refuse to tell me I was a diabetic for control.

I suffered tremendously for not knowing I was a diabetic. 

My health deteriorated. 

Cerbral Pailsley 


Infection In The Brain 

Heart Murmor 


High Blood Pressure 


Helen Yvonne Tolbert had me monitored for twenty five years.

Because I was schizophrenia . 

She was never around for me. 

She never wanted to have anything to do with me .

She stole my identity as a child. 

She waited all this time for me to discover it was her. 

Helen Yvonne Tolbert wanted to play a game. 

I didn't know my father .

He is playing the game as well.

I believe they are both black. 

The two of them gave me up for adoption 1971 September. 

They never came back for me.  

Agent Helen Yvonne Jackson does stack outs under my name not hers plus back ground checks on people using my name. 

Well looks like it is over now.

Helen Yvonne Tolbert switched names with Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall

Her real name is Annette Wilma Jackson. 

She lost her identity because of Helen Yvonne Tolbert. 



Deacatrica : Kwane Waleah Hall 

Deacatrica: Doris Hall 


The Morlocks 

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Transcripts Pulled Annette Wilma Holmes

 Aprilius IV, MMXXI ana 


Annette Wilma Holmes Matar Aetra Femina 

Kwame Waleah Hall 

May not be the right spelling. 

Doris Hall filio 


Transcripts Pulled !... 

Deacatrica : Kwame Waleah Hall 

Deacatrica : Doris Hall 

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Stolen Away as A Child With A Transcript Or Transcripts !

 Aprilius III, MMXXI ana 

Saturna Saturday 

Drug Trafficking 

Trafficking Children 

Slave Trafficking 



Stolen Identities 

Change Of Complexion 

Growth Hormone 

Over Weight  To Skinny 

Skinny To Over Weight 


Helen Yvonne Tolbert 

Chloesteral  Problem Told 


Fake Birth Certificates 

Lies, Lies, Lies 

Exchangement Of Blood Work. So you cannot be found ever again. 

Given the wrong Diagnoses  on purpose.

Change Of Complexion 

Yellow Teeth  instead Of White. 

Instigating Fist Fights 

Being Held Hostage 

Tainted Food Supply 

Stolen Mail 

Stolen merchandise 

Stolen phone numbers 

Stolen Addresses 

Voice Scrambler 

Passed Out Transcripts with Your name on It 

Stolen email accounts 

Forward messages to her email account. 

Paranoid Dementia 

Kept on scanner for Entertainment Reasons 

Not Really The Parent.

But With  Transcripts saying She Is. 

Loss Of Memory 

Friday, April 2, 2021

Dara another Social Security Number . Never found Again !.

 Aprilius 3, 2021 ana 



Given another Social security number.

I was never found Again !.  

I am originally from The State Of  Illinois. 

Green bean away five months after birth with another birth certificate.

In another Time frame.

From Central Standard Time. 

Sent to Eastern Standa d Time Frame. 

To spend the rest Of my life. 

Not knowing my real identity. 

Different name different birth certificate. 

Different social security number. 

Different month born. 

Given new social security number. She gave to thousands to use. 

She gave my name to thousands to use. 

Because she knew it was not my name. 


Put in a sleep mode .

How ?. 

Off insulin developed cerebral Paisley. As a toddler. Joints stiffened up. 

I started walking on my toes. Because I was off insulin. I had surgery done on my legs to walk on feet. 

If I was taking my insulin this wouldn't of happened. 

My bones and joints stiffened deteriorated. My infections n got worse. But no one knew . 

I went for check ups as a child. I had yellow teeth. 

So they couldn't find me. 

Now they will never find me again. 

Stolen from family at five months old. 

Loss of memory.

No insulin to take. 

Why wouldn't it show up on the blood work. 

My blood was ether swallowed or poured down a drain. 

They never had my block d work .

She told jean or she took blood from jean holmes .

Jean Holmes is a informer.

Foster care mother. She has a chloesteral problem. 

But I stay hidden .

I stay in a sleep 📳 de at noon ght time when sleeping . 

No one would suspect. 

I became invisible to people. 

They never found me again !. 

Ever !. 

I developed a bar infection in the brain from being a diabetic. 

But of course no one knew. 

Deacatrica: Kwame Waleah Hall .

Deacatrica: Doris Hall 

Stolen Social Security Numbers,Stolen Birth Certificates,Stolen Transcripts

 Aprilius II, MMXXI ANA 

Veniris   Friday  

Salve Iteram, 

Hello Again.

Same Birth Certificates 

Rome New York  Birth 

Same social security numbers these are the victims of being held hostage.  We all have the same social security number.

Which Thomas Lee Herbert Holmes Carucci has. This is how he knows what is going there n at all times. 

Christopher Jethro White Tucker Carucci. 

His partner is n crime. 

With a voice Scrambler doing people  in.  He has a copy of the Birth Certificates. We all have the same one. With the same Birth number. 

This is the day we were sent to Rome, New York.

Placed in Foster Care with Foster Care parents. Someone in the family or a relative or friends . 

 Same social security number. 

Same Birth number. 

Foster Care parents told to swallow a control substance . Forget about their children .

They created a new family for the Foster Care Children. 


I have evidence which was sent to me from very a decade ago.  

I have a address that was on the Birth certificate. 

I went to.

Not the address where I stayed. 

This person that gives me things there is a message attached to everything. 

That I have to figure out. 


The name put on the Birth certificate is not my name. 

Forged signatures. 

Deacatrica: Kwame Waleah Hall 

Deacatrica: Doris Hall  

Nuclear Hydrogen Explosion Transcripts

 Aprilius 2, MMXXI ana 

Nuclear Explosion Hydrogen   

Transcripts Pulled  

Deacatrica: Kwame Waleah Hall 

Deacatrica:Doris Hall 


Side Effects 
Cold spots in city.
Other places warm.
Rain in one section not on the west side. Not at the same time. 
For instance frozen section like gellitin mold
 But clear. 
Snowing the City of Elmira but not in the Town's surrounding Elmira,NY. 

Loss of appetite don't eat much. 
Full after one meal. 
Water supply gives rashes. 


Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Transcripts Corona Virus

Martius 31, 2021 ana 
Mercura Wednesday 

Habant Transcripts for the Corona Virus. 

Habant Transcripts for AIDS disease .

Transcripts Pulled .

Deacatrica: Kwame Waleah Hall 
Deacatrica : Doris Hall 

Transcripts Family

 Martius XXXI, MMXXI ana 

Loose Ends Lead singer.

Matress  Roderick Herbert .

Habet  Laneice Herbert. 

Deacatrica : Kwame Waleah Hall 

Deacatrica : Doris Hall  

Transcripts New Family

 Martins XXXI, MMXXI ana 

Salve Iteram.

Hello again. 

Mom... What are you and Dad doing my material. The things people have me ?. 

The two of you didn't raise me. 

Why did you have all my stuff s my to The State Of  Ohio ?. 

I never let bed there .

I know who the two of you are. 

What surprise ?. 

Ask Alma H. For my address. She can make sure I get the material. That was sent to me. 

You know .....

Natural and ne is going to suspect you. 

You are real tall.

Deacatrica: Kwame Waleah Hall 

Deacatrica: Doris Hall 


Loose Ends 

New Parents with Transcripts

 Martins 27, 2021 ana (Forwarded from Information Blogger)


Herbert L Thomas J 

Lynard  Jackson 

 as known as 

Brian Lowman with a transcript. 

Aetra Vir  Truxicis  coloris 

Herbert  Lynard Thomas Jackson 

Vitet Hackensack, New Jersey. 

Pull Up Transcripts !. 

I had this information for about ten years. 

Didn't think much of it. 

You are extremely evil. 

You lived there in New Foundland because of segregation to n America 1950s-1970s. 


I am going to find out.

Their culture is backwards.

Even their names for people is backwards. 

They speak over a hundred different languages.

They had no business teaching Americans about Transcripts. 

You have enslaved the public. 

I know who your father is. 

Which is  why I am going to stay upstate new york. 

He is not your father who raised you. 

From Bill Cosby show tv. He just had a transcript to be your father.

It is someone else.

You  completely  destroyed my life with Transcripts.

Way before I had my birth Transcripts. 

You logged on with my birth certificate, the first time. 


This is why the people from New Foundland had no business teaching Americans about Transcripts. You enslaved me.

I wasn't allowed to enter into the Entertainment field.

Because of people with Transcripts. 

I was highly educated and didn't know at the time. 

Before I was pregnant. With about twenty six credits  including grade point average. Which is enough for a master's degree from a college now called a  university.

  Your Transcripts make you delusional. You don't deal with reality well.

You hear voices.

You use a voice scrambler. 

Your face and body shape shifts for people. Who they want to hear voices from. The voices become soothing.

You can use a voice scrambler in New Foundland Country,  not America Country. 

You don't understand right and wrong because of your Transcripts. 

Your not gonna ever understand punishment properly.

Alot of  people don't care for you.

Because you destroyed their life with  transcripts. 

They  have to stay  in a gated community because they are to expensive. They are only allowed to speak to certan individuals. 


Who you had ?. 

You took all my stuff. 

You had it forwarded to your address. 

You use my email addresses. 

You use my phone numbers as well. 

What did you do with all the messages ?. 

Packages etc. ?. 


Your Father is 

Louis Jackson 


Kwame Waleah Hall 

Doris Hall 


Loose Ends