Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Howard Tolbert,Edward Philkmore Hall,Robert Hall,Rodney Tolbert Stolen Identities !.

 April XIV, MMXX Ana 

Mercura Wednesday 

Salve Iteram 

Hello Again 

Edward Phillmore Hall 

Switched names with Howard Tolbert. 

Rodney Tolbert switched names with Robert Hall. 

Howard Tolbert  stays in North Carolina. 

Edward Phillmore Hall stays in Newark, New Jersey.

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Wendell Tolbert under the name Zachary Michael Hall. Who is my son's name.  He is not the father of Zachary Michael Hall.
Switched names by Helen Yvonne Tolbert. 

Rodney Tolbert under the name Robert Hall .

Kept sending me Greeting Cards. 

I thought the greeting cards came from  Robert Hall.

No the greeting cards came from Rodney Tolbert. He signed the name Robert Hall instead of Rodney Tolbert. 

Howard Tolbert would send me Greeting cards under the name Edward Phillmore Hall from North Carolina. 

They switched identities. 

Edward Howard Hall raised me not Howard Tolbert. 

Edward Phillmore Hall is the name on the birth certificate for me. 

It sounds like Helen Yvonne Tolbert made up the birth certificate. Those are her signatures. 

I cannot believe what she is capable of. 

She completely destroyed her family's life for a game. 

She forges people signatures. 

Helen Yvonne Tolbert sent me a money order under the name Atlanta Jean Hall she signed AHall cursive handwriting. 

The name she knows me as Doris K Hall. This is not my name. I can't understand why she keeps sending me Greeting cards under the name Doris K. Hall. 

This lady has multitude names. Stolen Identities.

She meets people in Daniel, New Jersey.

My greeting cards come from Daniel, New Jersey.

She calls my child Daniel.

Daniel Z. Hall 

His name is Zachary Michael Hall.

She uses a voice scrambler to sound like me.

She has been forging my signature ever since I was a child. 

She would wear the same clothes as me. 

Wear wigs to look like me.  She changes her complexion to look like me. 

She starts a lot of fist fights around me. Making sure I get blamed not her. 

Or she wears a lighter shade of make up. 

She uses the name Kwane Waleeh Hall or Dorothy Hall.

Her real name Helen Yvonne Jackson Tolbert. 

She says she is playing a game. 

The Morlocks 

The Baytovens 

The Children Of Darkness 

1910 Fruitgum Company 

The Archie's 

Peppermint Rainbow 

Strawberry Alarm Clark 

Deacatrica: Kwane Waleah Hall 

Deacatrica: Doris Hall 

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