Sunday, April 18, 2021

Atlanta Holmes, Central Grey,Mountain Prince,Pacific Ross Transcripts, Alaska Alaska, Hawaii Hawaii, names For Transcripts


Philosopher: Doris Hall

Philosopher: Kwame Waleah Hall 

Aprilia 18, 2021  Ana 

The Atlanta's All stay in the Facilities because they are informers. 

With the last name Holmes. 


All colors,Creed's. 

For Example 

Atlanta Jean Holmes- Hall

Hall by marriage.

Jean Holmes informer.


Central  Alma Herbert  for Central Standard Time. 

Central Alma Herbert 

Alma Herbert Informer 

All have to stay in the facility. 

They are informers.


All colors and Creed's. 


Mountain Tiffany Hill all have to stay at the Facilities. 

Tiffany Hill Informer.

They are informers. 

All colors and Creed's. 


Pacific Carla Ross from Pacific Time frame. All have to stay at the Facilities. 

Carla Ross Informer 

They are informers. 


All colors and and Creed's.  

Alaska Ananda Lewis 

Ananda Lewis Informer 

Alaska Standard Time Frame 

Hawaii Doris Waleah 

Doris Waleah Informer 

Transcripts Pulled !.

Philosophers: Doris Hall 

Philosophers: Kwame Waleah Hall 

The Children Of Darkness 

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