Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Helen Yvonne Tolbert FBI Agent

 Aprilius 13, 2021 Ana 



Matar Kwane Waleeh Hall Holmes 

Kwane Waleeh Hall 

Informer Helen Holmes 

Informer Yvonne Holmes 

Gave me a birth certificate saying my mother's name was 

Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall 

Her real name is 

Annette Wilma Jackson Holmes Hall Romary 

FBI agent Helen Yvonne Tolbert refuse to come clean and say she was my mother for fifty one years. 

Helen Yvonne Tolbert gave me up for adoption.  

Helen contols people behavior with medication. 

She is a diabetic Helen  Yvonne Holmes Hall Tolbert Jackson. 

She is one of the controllers of  New Jersey, New York,Connecticut States.  

Yvonne Jackson refuse to tell me I was a diabetic for control.

I suffered tremendously for not knowing I was a diabetic. 

My health deteriorated. 

Cerbral Pailsley 


Infection In The Brain 

Heart Murmor 


High Blood Pressure 


Helen Yvonne Tolbert had me monitored for twenty five years.

Because I was schizophrenia . 

She was never around for me. 

She never wanted to have anything to do with me .

She stole my identity as a child. 

She waited all this time for me to discover it was her. 

Helen Yvonne Tolbert wanted to play a game. 

I didn't know my father .

He is playing the game as well.

I believe they are both black. 

The two of them gave me up for adoption 1971 September. 

They never came back for me.  

Agent Helen Yvonne Jackson does stack outs under my name not hers plus back ground checks on people using my name. 

Well looks like it is over now.

Helen Yvonne Tolbert switched names with Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall

Her real name is Annette Wilma Jackson. 

She lost her identity because of Helen Yvonne Tolbert. 



Deacatrica : Kwane Waleah Hall 

Deacatrica: Doris Hall 


The Morlocks 

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