Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Who is Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall ? Helen Yvonne Tolbert

 Helen Yvonne Tolbert 

Vite The  State Of Ohio. 

The City Of Lima, Ohio.

The City Of Toledo ,Ohio. 

Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall 

Switched names

Transcripts Pulled !..

Deacan : Doris Hall 

Deacan: Kwame Waleah Hall 

4-14-2021 Ana Wednesday  April 

Helen Yvonne Tolbert 

Has been sending me mail.
Under the name 
Atlanta Jean Hall.
I couldn't tell the difference.
Both their handwriting is the same. 
She has been sending me Greeting cards. 
I didn't know it was her until now. 
She was staying at Atlanta Jeans Holmes - Hall old address on East 25 the Street in Paterson, New Jersey. 
They say people have been coming by to visit me there at this address because of her. 
She told them I grew up there which isn't true. 
I grew up on East 38 The Street.
This Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall knows all my friends and church members, formal co- workers but a different set of neighbors. 
She spells the my name: 
Kwane Waleeh Hall 
Not Kwame Waleah Hall.
 I cannot believe  how fast I got lost within the system
 Because I didn't know what people were capable of. 
Her name is Helen Yvonne Tolbert for me as a child. 
I can't believe she did this for attention
 She completely destroyed my reputation in Paterson, New Jersey. 
I am labelled schizophrenic because of this. 

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