Friday, April 2, 2021

Dara another Social Security Number . Never found Again !.

 Aprilius 3, 2021 ana 



Given another Social security number.

I was never found Again !.  

I am originally from The State Of  Illinois. 

Green bean away five months after birth with another birth certificate.

In another Time frame.

From Central Standard Time. 

Sent to Eastern Standa d Time Frame. 

To spend the rest Of my life. 

Not knowing my real identity. 

Different name different birth certificate. 

Different social security number. 

Different month born. 

Given new social security number. She gave to thousands to use. 

She gave my name to thousands to use. 

Because she knew it was not my name. 


Put in a sleep mode .

How ?. 

Off insulin developed cerebral Paisley. As a toddler. Joints stiffened up. 

I started walking on my toes. Because I was off insulin. I had surgery done on my legs to walk on feet. 

If I was taking my insulin this wouldn't of happened. 

My bones and joints stiffened deteriorated. My infections n got worse. But no one knew . 

I went for check ups as a child. I had yellow teeth. 

So they couldn't find me. 

Now they will never find me again. 

Stolen from family at five months old. 

Loss of memory.

No insulin to take. 

Why wouldn't it show up on the blood work. 

My blood was ether swallowed or poured down a drain. 

They never had my block d work .

She told jean or she took blood from jean holmes .

Jean Holmes is a informer.

Foster care mother. She has a chloesteral problem. 

But I stay hidden .

I stay in a sleep 📳 de at noon ght time when sleeping . 

No one would suspect. 

I became invisible to people. 

They never found me again !. 

Ever !. 

I developed a bar infection in the brain from being a diabetic. 

But of course no one knew. 

Deacatrica: Kwame Waleah Hall .

Deacatrica: Doris Hall 

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