Saturday, April 3, 2021

Stolen Away as A Child With A Transcript Or Transcripts !

 Aprilius III, MMXXI ana 

Saturna Saturday 

Drug Trafficking 

Trafficking Children 

Slave Trafficking 



Stolen Identities 

Change Of Complexion 

Growth Hormone 

Over Weight  To Skinny 

Skinny To Over Weight 


Helen Yvonne Tolbert 

Chloesteral  Problem Told 


Fake Birth Certificates 

Lies, Lies, Lies 

Exchangement Of Blood Work. So you cannot be found ever again. 

Given the wrong Diagnoses  on purpose.

Change Of Complexion 

Yellow Teeth  instead Of White. 

Instigating Fist Fights 

Being Held Hostage 

Tainted Food Supply 

Stolen Mail 

Stolen merchandise 

Stolen phone numbers 

Stolen Addresses 

Voice Scrambler 

Passed Out Transcripts with Your name on It 

Stolen email accounts 

Forward messages to her email account. 

Paranoid Dementia 

Kept on scanner for Entertainment Reasons 

Not Really The Parent.

But With  Transcripts saying She Is. 

Loss Of Memory 

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