Monday, April 26, 2021

The Hall Family

 Aprilua XXV, MMXX  Ana 

The Hall Family 

Edward  Phillmore  Hall

Atlanta Jean Holmes 


Robert Irvin Harden Hall

Kwame Waleah Hall 

Doris Hall change of name. 

Zachary Michael Hall 

Police Officer : 

Kwame Waleah Hall 

Cleveland Tolbert 

He switched names with me as a child.

I was lost ever since 

1976 Ana. 

Might have the same social security number.

We share the same social security number. 

I didn't know this.

I am paying a fee from I R.S. .

I have several felony charges. 

My whole life is a game to these people.

I cannot believe what they are capable of. 

I am carrying Cleveland Tolbert on my back all this time.

He wouldn't tell me it was his birth name.

He wouldn't tell me Bennie Mae Tolbert was my mother. 

I trusted you like family. 

You are the reason I have back pains. 

Why I couldn't finish College. 

My back would feel like a needle inside.

So I couldn't work. 

Are we Siamese Twins. ?. 

One of us has a fake ID.

When was I born ?. 

That is your birth record not mine. 

Now I am invisible. 

You were born September 1,1971 not me. 

May be older than him ?. 

We both cannot share the same birthday certificate. 

It doesn't say twins. 


If it is your name fine. 

I hope you didn't change your name again 

That would mean double jeopardy. 

I can't trust you.

Cleveland Tolbert. 

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Philosopher: Doris Hall 

Philosopher: Kwame  Waleah Hall  

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