Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Appendages Transcripts Terrestrials

 Aprilia 27, 2021 Ana 

Morstis  Tuesday 


A peice attached to the colon.  You use it to drive gesy food. 

It will automatically function .

When you remove : 

Magic Eel, eel


From your stomach.

This is better it is already attached to the colon. 

The Peasants !.

Your crytals they will think ate expensive.

It draws to much attention to your tribe. 


You are flesh .

Your body is made up like mine. 

You have human bodies.

You are just extremely tall.




Problems can be treated. 

You will go back to your normal height. 

This will be a big g step for y'all.

Looking more human.

It won't take long.

The human body is extremely magical !. 

You are humans !.

You are humans !.

The hinduasii will delt with.

Comming  to your tribe and medaling. 

You are not Terrestrials.

They had no business changing your people to Terrestrials.

They will change back.

You have suffered way to long.

The Corona Virus is curable.

Just like AIDS .

They do this to scare people.

You are ok.


Blood line will heal.

You have a infection in the blood. 

They do they same things I do. 

Everything !. 

Your blood is orange like mine. 

Minor infection. 

Take your vitamins for Diabetics 


You will recover.

Stay on your diet. 


Doris Hall

The  Satelliters 

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