Friday, April 30, 2021

Transcripts Hawaii State

 Aprilia XXX, MMXX Ana 

Veneris Friday 

Transcripts Pulled !.

They came out of their Transcripts with The Islands Of Hawaii. 

It is no longer a State according to these Tree People.

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Doris Hall 


FBI Transcripts Pulled

 Aprilua XXX, MMXX Ana 

Veneris Friday 

Transcripts Pulled !. 


Bustua !.


Doris Hall 


Children Of Darkness 

Hawaii Transcripts Pulled

 Aprilua XXX, MMXX Ana 

Friday Veneris 

Hawaii Birth Names


Transcripts Pulled !. 

Hawaii Casinos 


Hawaii Casinos 

Doris Hall 


The Morlocks 

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Siamese Twins Transcripts

 Aprilia XXIX, MMXX ANA 

Lovis Thursday 

Siamese Twins

Siamese Twins 

My mother had a boy the same year I was born.

They are called Siamese Twins. 

I have a mark were we we're separated. 

We are still connected to this day. 

Kwane Waleeh Holmes 

Donald Holmes 

These are having s names.

He was born March 4, 1971. 

I was born September 1, 1971. 

We share the same the social security number. 

Transcripts Pulled !.

Doris Hall


The Children Of Darkness 

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Bennie Mae Tolbert

 Aprilia 27, 2021  Ana 

Morstis  Tuesday 

Bennie Mae Tolbert  matar

Ad Tyesha Smith .

Her real name is Aisha.

It was spelled wrong.

Tyesha is a guy's name from Hawaii.

All the guys have this name. 


They live in Englewoodcliffs, New Jersey. 


Bennie Mae Tolbert came out of her Transcripts being Bennie Mae Tolbert.  She has bad memory loss. She says it was just a Transcript.  

To be Bennie Mae Tolbert. 

Godmother as well. 

Godmother to over a thousand people. 

Her Real name and is.

Kwane Waleeh Holmes.

This is a Hawaii name .

All the females have a his name. 

She is Hawaiin. 

Transcripts Pulled !.


Doris Hall 


Magic Starfish Infansatis Transcripts

 Aprilia  XXVII, MMXX  Ana 

Tuesday Morstis 

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Magicua Stella Marinare 

Magic Star Fish 

Cinjurned Twins.

Lived in a tank.

Born In water. 

Siamese Twins 

Give them Baby Formula. Soy Milk Similac Brand. 

There Symtoms should clear up. 

You have two beautiful babies. 

They will separate on their own. 

Not a star fish. 

Doris Hall

Appendages Transcripts Terrestrials

 Aprilia 27, 2021 Ana 

Morstis  Tuesday 


A peice attached to the colon.  You use it to drive gesy food. 

It will automatically function .

When you remove : 

Magic Eel, eel


From your stomach.

This is better it is already attached to the colon. 

The Peasants !.

Your crytals they will think ate expensive.

It draws to much attention to your tribe. 


You are flesh .

Your body is made up like mine. 

You have human bodies.

You are just extremely tall.




Problems can be treated. 

You will go back to your normal height. 

This will be a big g step for y'all.

Looking more human.

It won't take long.

The human body is extremely magical !. 

You are humans !.

You are humans !.

The hinduasii will delt with.

Comming  to your tribe and medaling. 

You are not Terrestrials.

They had no business changing your people to Terrestrials.

They will change back.

You have suffered way to long.

The Corona Virus is curable.

Just like AIDS .

They do this to scare people.

You are ok.


Blood line will heal.

You have a infection in the blood. 

They do they same things I do. 

Everything !. 

Your blood is orange like mine. 

Minor infection. 

Take your vitamins for Diabetics 


You will recover.

Stay on your diet. 


Doris Hall

The  Satelliters 

Chaka Khan matar Nadira Khan

Aprilua XXVII , MMXX Ana 

Tuesday Morstis 

Chaka Khan habet adopted 

 She used all my addresses and filed taxes under her real name. Nadira Khan 

She is a financial consultant in U.A.E.. under the name Nancy Villamar. 

Nadira Khan was the reason I was a target.

The Sufi order and deciannials kept saying I was Nadira Khan which wasn't true.

Nadira Khan is from Ghana country. 

Nadira Khan she changed 

Names with Nancy Villamar. 

She signed legal documents with the Sufi orders. 





Nadira Khan is in charge of their finances. Hinduasii

She is a Empress in U.A.E. country.

She has a Siamese twin or triplets, or Fraternal Twin. Ecimo Khan is her triplet brother their is another girl as well dark tan complexion. 

Stolen Identities with Transcripts. 

Stolen family members,friends,formal co workers,neighbors and strangers. 

St. Therese Grammar school. 

Matres Renz Tate 


Doris Hall 

Monday, April 26, 2021

The Gibson Family

 Aprilua XXVI, MMXX Ana 

Luna Monday 

The Gibson Family 

Randy Anne Gibson 

Kimberly Gibson 

Melvin  Gibson 

Derick  Gibson 

Kedrick Gibson 

Nancy Gibson 

Edward Gibson 

Transcript Pulled !. 

Philosopher: Doris Hall 

Philosopher: Kwame Waleah Hall 

The Hall Family

 Aprilua XXV, MMXX  Ana 

The Hall Family 

Edward  Phillmore  Hall

Atlanta Jean Holmes 


Robert Irvin Harden Hall

Kwame Waleah Hall 

Doris Hall change of name. 

Zachary Michael Hall 

Police Officer : 

Kwame Waleah Hall 

Cleveland Tolbert 

He switched names with me as a child.

I was lost ever since 

1976 Ana. 

Might have the same social security number.

We share the same social security number. 

I didn't know this.

I am paying a fee from I R.S. .

I have several felony charges. 

My whole life is a game to these people.

I cannot believe what they are capable of. 

I am carrying Cleveland Tolbert on my back all this time.

He wouldn't tell me it was his birth name.

He wouldn't tell me Bennie Mae Tolbert was my mother. 

I trusted you like family. 

You are the reason I have back pains. 

Why I couldn't finish College. 

My back would feel like a needle inside.

So I couldn't work. 

Are we Siamese Twins. ?. 

One of us has a fake ID.

When was I born ?. 

That is your birth record not mine. 

Now I am invisible. 

You were born September 1,1971 not me. 

May be older than him ?. 

We both cannot share the same birthday certificate. 

It doesn't say twins. 


If it is your name fine. 

I hope you didn't change your name again 

That would mean double jeopardy. 

I can't trust you.

Cleveland Tolbert. 

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Philosopher: Doris Hall 

Philosopher: Kwame  Waleah Hall  

The Herbert Family

 Aprilua XXV, MMXX  Ana 

Luna  Monday 

The Herbert Family 

Alma Herbert 

Roderick  Herbert 

Laniece  Herbert 

Annette Wilma Herbert 

Transcripts Pulled ! 

Philosopher: Doris Hall 

Philosopher:  Kwame Waleah Hall 

Bennie Mae Tolbert

 Aprilua XXVI, MMXX  Ana 

Monday  Luna 

Transcripts Pulled !. 

We have the same birthday September 1, 1946, 

September 1, 1971 

Kwame Waleah Hall 


September 1, 1967 

Cleveland Tolbert 


Virginia  Mae  

September 1, 1931


Bennie Mae Tolbert is Virginia Mae Holmes 

She uses the names:

Kwane Waleeh Hall

Dorothy Hall 

Atlanta J. Holmes 

Jean Holmes Informer 

While in State Prison in New Jersey.

Where she is a Pharmacist .

She wanted to play a Game.

Retired Play Boy Bunny.

You had a connection with Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall for a Connection  with me.

You never did anything with me.  

Jean wouldn't give me back custody of my child because of you. You told her it was a game.

You are a gorrilla as well. 

You are playing a Casino game. 

I wasn't allowed to stay at 38 the St because I couldn't get along with Jean. Your best friend.

I sure hope It was worth it. 

Leaving me to be with the celebrities . 

I don't really know you. 

You were never a Good Mother to me.

Neither was Howard Tolbert. 

If you are my mother. You should've just told me. 

Bennie Mae is Benjamin Hall sororae sister. 

He lives in  The Of Virginia U.S.A. 

Bennie Mae Tolbert 

Pharmacist in The City If The Bronx, New York. 

The same age as Helen Yvonne Tolbert . Born 1958.

Alma Herbert Switched names with Bennie Mae Tolbert. 

Drug  Dealer 

Recovering  Alcoholic 

Mild  Stroke 

Criminal  Record 

Mirajuana Addict 

Bennie Mae Tolbert had Cleveland Tolbert. 

Anthony Hopkins is her husband. 

She has a surprise. 

 The Tolbert Family 

Wendell Tolbert 

Rodney  Tolbert 

Cleveland Tolbert 

Howard Tolbert Jr. 

Howard Tolbert Sr. 

Helen Yvonne Tolbert 

Bennie Mae Tolbert 

Virginia Mae Tolbert 

Lynard  Tolbert 


Doris Hall 

Friday, April 23, 2021

Decicennia Short People Staff and Tree people

 Aprilia XXII, MMXXI  Ana 

Your staff  has done unsatisfactory operae work. 

They can only watch the speciment. 

Which are:







Feminae Females .

They cannot watch regular people. 

They have came by with the speciment constantly.

But they couldn't see this lady harming my animals. 

Giving them injection in the spine. 

Giving them dog food instead of cat food.

They are diabetics now. 


This speciment killed over fourteen of my animals. 

They sat in all of my apartments and gave me a hard time.

They kept correcting me when I talked. 

They totured my animals they kept shaving them. 

Being mean to them.

I had to leave and go do errons. 

They never did their jobs around me .

I have a new staff now. 

She kept putting them asleep because they were breathing .

Like silence of the lambs movie.

She kept putting salt on my animals she destroyed  his flesh . 

I had to to videos for journals. 

He  is not spare ribs. 

He doesn't need to be sauteed.

Sexual Harassment 

What did you do with the placenta .

Mine from birth ?. 

My son's my boyfriend has. Frozen.

If you fried it like liver .

I want to know .

You hear voices.

Joe they say you want your name back.

Which is, 

Atlanta  Jean  Holmes Hall. 

Those people in Paterson, New Jersey. 

Know Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall. 

As a, guidance counselor. 

For Eastside Highschool. 

Those are expensive programs that would have to be  fixed. 

Permanently !. 

Your mother doesn't know she had you. 

This control substance she was on was to raise me.

Plus to see I was her daughter. 

Now the programs have to change .

I am her grandchild now. 

But her name would be Helen Yvonne Tolbert.

Not Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall .

This is the name people know her as. 

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Philosopher: Doris Hall 

Philosopher: Kwame Waleah Hall 

Question Marks And The Mysterians 

Jellyfish Dome Transcripts

 Aprilia 23, 2021  Ana 

Friday Veniris 

Jellyfish Dome 

Security for Explodere. 

They sound like a machine .

Like The ring movie when symrna comes  through the TV set. 

They lool like Christmas Tree Lights. 

They are connected to the sky. 

They are from the bottom of the oceans.

All fifty states and other countries. 

Operae when hot not when cold. 

Jelly fish life form Dome. 

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Philosopher: Doris Hall 

Philosopher: Kwame Waleah Hall 

Transcripts Spontaneous Combustion

 Aprilia XXI, MMXXI  Ana 

Spontaneous Combustion 

Transcripts Pulled !...

Human Combustio 

Animalia Combustio 

They came again like a thief in the night. 

We didn't see them comming.


Food !. 

Philosopher: Doris Hall 

Philosopher: Kwame Waleah Hall 

The Haunted 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Helen Yvonne Tolbert

 Aprilia XXI, MMXXI  Ana 

Thursday  Lovis 

Speaks Hindi langua ea

Helen Yvonne Tolbert 

Stayed veerland ave apts.

Paterson, New Jersey 

I didn't know.

With her family.




Hex  Spells 

Child  Abuser 

Stole Atlanta Jean Hall's jewelry.

I got blamed.

Calls Jean  on the phone make up things about me. 


Told the nurses in 1995 I had a knife in the baby crib.

Kept checking up on the baby.

I didn't know she kept stopping by.

Suffacatio in aqua bath tub 

Stabb wounds on the child. 

She found out ,she saw blood on the clothes .

She kept coming by .

Jean or Robert wouldn't tell me. 

Urine  ovumi 

Crepe  ovumi 

I am a pedefiler

They called me a child Abuser. 

Whispered in my left and right ear put a hex spell on me In 1995. 

Destroyed my relationship with my parents so I couldn't stay with them in my twenties.

I am sorry for what happened.

I ... Cannot change what happened to me or my baby.

This is why I lost custody permanently .

I got disfellowshipped from him. 


Penuret mutatio nomni.

Ad Atlanta Jean Holmes - Hall 

Bennie Mae Tolbert is her mother.

This is Atlanta Jean Holmes Hall real name. 

She say this is her original name. 

The Atlanta's stay in a facility. 

They do classified work. 

She will be making the exchangement in a Community Center Upsate  New York. 

Philosopher: Doris Hall 

Philosopher: Kwame Waleah Hall 

Transcripts Pulled  !. 

Children Of Darkness 

Anthony Thomas McCloud

 Aprilia XXI, MMXX  Ana 

Lovis Thursday 

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Anthony Thomas McCloud 

Mutatio nomni  

Edward Phillmore Hall 

Quane es tu ?. 

Edward lives in North Carolina, Raliegh .

He calls you A-Thom .

Philosopher: Doris Hall 

Philosopher: Kwame Waleah Hall 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Edward Phillmore Facilities Men In Black

 Aprilua 20, 2021 Ana 

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Edward Phillmore Hall 

Eastern Standard Time 

Atlantic Facility 

State Prisons Carcer 

Central  Facility 

Edward  Phillmore Thomas 

Central Standard Time 

Edward  Phillmore  Prince 


Mountain  Facilities 

Mountain Standard Time 

Edward Phillmore Khan 

Pacific Facilities 

Pacific Standard Time 

Alaska Facilities 

Edward Phillmore Carucci 

Alaska Standard Time 

Hawaii  Facilities 

Edward Phillmore Waleah 

Hawaiian Standard Time 

These Facilities are in the jails,Prisons, Hospitals, Institutions, Asylums.

Philosopher: Doris Hall 

Philosopher: Kwame Waleah Hall 

Women In Black Atlanta,Central,Pavific,Mountain,Alaska,And Hawaii Females Facilities

 Aprilia 20, 2021  Ana 

Morstis Tuesday 

Transcripts Pulled !. 

Women In Black 


Eastern Standard Time Period 








Woman In Black 

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Deacicennia publicios Transcripts

 Aprilius 18, 2021 Ana 

Deacicennia cessstio.

They have been cancelled.

Transcripts Pulled !.

Philosopher: Kwame Waleah Hall 

Philosopher: Doris Hall 

Atlanta Holmes, Central Grey,Mountain Prince,Pacific Ross Transcripts, Alaska Alaska, Hawaii Hawaii, names For Transcripts


Philosopher: Doris Hall

Philosopher: Kwame Waleah Hall 

Aprilia 18, 2021  Ana 

The Atlanta's All stay in the Facilities because they are informers. 

With the last name Holmes. 


All colors,Creed's. 

For Example 

Atlanta Jean Holmes- Hall

Hall by marriage.

Jean Holmes informer.


Central  Alma Herbert  for Central Standard Time. 

Central Alma Herbert 

Alma Herbert Informer 

All have to stay in the facility. 

They are informers.


All colors and Creed's. 


Mountain Tiffany Hill all have to stay at the Facilities. 

Tiffany Hill Informer.

They are informers. 

All colors and Creed's. 


Pacific Carla Ross from Pacific Time frame. All have to stay at the Facilities. 

Carla Ross Informer 

They are informers. 


All colors and and Creed's.  

Alaska Ananda Lewis 

Ananda Lewis Informer 

Alaska Standard Time Frame 

Hawaii Doris Waleah 

Doris Waleah Informer 

Transcripts Pulled !.

Philosophers: Doris Hall 

Philosophers: Kwame Waleah Hall 

The Children Of Darkness